Friday, March 16, 2018

Spring break: Christine and Mariah in Norway

In our continuing series on the globetrotting Running Red Foxes ... today's edition comes from Norway, where seniors Christine Gambell and Mariah Christian are enjoying their week (as you can see with the photos and read from their email to me below). I thought it was a joke when I heard that there are extremely inexpensive flights from Stewart Airport in Newburgh to Norway. Huh? Since when did little Stewart become international? Anyway ... here's the report from northern Europe:

Hi Pete!

Just wanted to send you an update on our trip to Norway! The views on the runs have been breathtaking (get it??). Bergen is gorgeous and we have been so lucky to have beautiful sunny weather all week! 

We hiked up one of the mountains outside the city. It was a gravel path, probably 2.5 miles in total (from the bottom, in the city, to the top). Mariah and I were winded while hiking and the footing was a bit icy. We were shocked when we heard footsteps behind us and saw people running up the mountain!! Apparently most of the locals do it every morning, how crazy!?

We were also lucky enough to find a very large turf field (with a 100 meter track on the side, pictured). We found it on our first day here, so we knew it would be a perfect location for our workout! It seemed to be about 400 meters around the perimeter, so it worked perfectly (and the views weren’t bad either)! 

Can’t wait to tell you more when we get back! Hopefully it isn’t too cold and snowy at home!


Christine & Mariah

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