Monday, April 23, 2012

Sam McMullen: 2:37:58 at Toledo

Congrats to Marist Running Alum Sam McMullen (Class of 2011) for his excellent marathon debut at Sunday’s Glass City Marathon in Toledo, Ohio. Sam is a graduate student and athletic trainer at the University of Toledo. And apparently, he is finding time to get some good training in out there!

Sam placed fourth overall in 2:37:58, achieving his goal of a sub-2:40 for his first marathon. I was in touch with Sam throughout his training. He worked hard, putting in good mileage and good cross-training.

This is an excellent, redemptive effort for Sam, who spent much of his Marist career on the injured list. We always joked that Sam, an Athletic Training major with a very high GPA, knew too much about all the running injuries he was studying … because he ended up getting most of them!

According to the race results I found, here are some of Sam’s splits:

3-mile: 17:57
10km: 36:54
14-mile: 1:23:58
21-mile: 2:05:37.

Great job, Sam. Holy Toledo! (Sorry. Couldn’t resist).

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