Sunday, September 15, 2024

Dutchess County Classic (results)

 Strong showing for Marist Forever Foxes running alums on Sunday morning at the Dutchess County Classic road race. Actually? Saturday too!
Jon Kittredge (aka Jonny K) took the 5k (Saturday) and 10k (Sunday) double, posting a 16:51/34:44 split. He is getting ready for the Hartford Half Marathon next month. Nicely done, Jonny K!
Spencer Bossi-Johnson had a marvelous homecoming (he and his wife Lauren have moved to Poughkeepsie!) and won the half marathon in 1:09:02. Mike Kennedy had a great tune-up for Chicago in a few weeks with 1:14:06 in the half.
Lisa Chase ran an amazing 1:25:14 for a 4 minute, 18 second PR in the half marathon.
Boushra Belkhir won the 10k (37:28) and her teammate and good friend Kerry Kennedy was third in her age group (45:32). Heidi Richards and Bernice Patten had strong 10km showings, finishing together in 50:51/50:52.
Also in the half marathon, Billy Hild got a huge PR with 1:26:43. His father, Mr. Bill, ran a strong race too (2:05:26). And, as always, it was great to see Lurch (“Todd Coulson”), who checked in with a 1:39:10.
No pictures right now but if some come across I will post. Very neat.

1 comment:

Todd R Coulson said...

Thanks for the shout out... Another great year