Thursday, December 30, 2021

Reasonably OK

Just got off the phone with loyal alum (and equally loyal blog follower) Marty McGowan. Always nice checking in with Marty! When I asked him how he and his son were doing (remember, Marty lost his beloved wife Annie a few months ago), Marty’s answer was “reasonably OK.” I had to chuckle, as that has been my go-to response for the past two years (roughly). “Reasonably OK” is a great response – it’s not overly chipper and upbeat and also not too “Debbie downer” at the same time. While “really good” or “great” or “couldn’t be better” are the smile-inducing replies we often like to hear, “reasonably OK” is probably most accurate most of the time. I’ll take “reasonably OK” most days in 2022.

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