Saturday, July 18, 2020

Summer. It's all relative in the Red Fox WORLD

My phone is blowing up with heat advisories -- potentially dangerous heat and humidity. Duh. It's July. This is good, as we prepare for our annual week in Lake George (programming note, this might be my last post for a while, with limited Internet up there). Being in the Adirondacks, with a lake to dip in, is a good place. Especially now. But "dangerous heat and humidity" is all relative. Just got a text from Marist Running Alum David Marthy, US Army, currently serving our country in Kuwait. "It's hot in the desert." A quick check of the "real feel" there? In the neighborhood of 117 degrees. Yikes. He's heading to Iraq shortly and relayed this note in a follow-up text: "Airman in the chow hall told me she had a brother who went to Marist. Red Fox Nation? I say, Red Fox WORLD!" Indeed.

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