Monday, May 3, 2010

MAAC splits on Tuesday

Busy day here at Blog Central, and now we are off to the fancy Senior Awards Banquet -- one of the few times in the whole year that I am not wearing a cap on my head and sneakers on my feet.

Also, it is my one -- usually uncomfortable -- foray with Public Speaking for the year. Wish me luck. I will miss having my pal Phil there. Phil's reputation as an outrageous speaker at these things was (of course) overblown. But it has now become the stuff of Senior Banquet legend. Such is life.

Anyway, I am about halfway through split typing for the MAAC meet. Thanks to my Split Bros -- Lombi, Hinky, Posch, Townsend and others. Will post them at some point on Tuesday, if all goes well.

OK. Time to get dressed up and make a fool of myself. Later.

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