Friday, September 20, 2024

CCSU Ted Owen meet

 We are running a partial squad of men and a (mostly) full squad of women at the CCSU/Ted Owen Invitational on Saturday at Stanley Quarter Park in New Britain, CT. The women's 5km is at 11a and the men's 8.165km is at 12 noon. Many years ago, I measured the 'extra' distance (165 meters) of the men's course. This is an excellent spectator course = a "pond" loop and a "woods" loop. The women do 2 pond loops and 1 woods loop and the men do 3 pond/2 woods, kind of a figure-8. OK.

Classic photos = Boushra + Spencer


10km winner Boushra Belkhir and half marathon winner Spencer Johnson, courtesy of Mid-Hudson Road Runners Club photographer Bob Kopac. Neat. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Dutchess County Classic (results)

 Strong showing for Marist Forever Foxes running alums on Sunday morning at the Dutchess County Classic road race. Actually? Saturday too!
Jon Kittredge (aka Jonny K) took the 5k (Saturday) and 10k (Sunday) double, posting a 16:51/34:44 split. He is getting ready for the Hartford Half Marathon next month. Nicely done, Jonny K!
Spencer Bossi-Johnson had a marvelous homecoming (he and his wife Lauren have moved to Poughkeepsie!) and won the half marathon in 1:09:02. Mike Kennedy had a great tune-up for Chicago in a few weeks with 1:14:06 in the half.
Lisa Chase ran an amazing 1:25:14 for a 4 minute, 18 second PR in the half marathon.
Boushra Belkhir won the 10k (37:28) and her teammate and good friend Kerry Kennedy was third in her age group (45:32). Heidi Richards and Bernice Patten had strong 10km showings, finishing together in 50:51/50:52.
Also in the half marathon, Billy Hild got a huge PR with 1:26:43. His father, Mr. Bill, ran a strong race too (2:05:26). And, as always, it was great to see Lurch (“Todd Coulson”), who checked in with a 1:39:10.
No pictures right now but if some come across I will post. Very neat.

Welcome home, Forever Foxes


We had a great, informal gathering of some of our alums. Fortunately, these fine ladies from the 2008/2009 graduation era reminded me to take a group picture (should have gotten others!), Bernice Patten, Lisa D'Aniello Chase, Sarah Domermuth, Heidi Richards are in this picture. Several of them had GREAT races this morning at the Dutchess County Classic (update to follow). Great weekend. Neat!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Manhattan meet: Men's results

 A 12.4-second spread between 1 and 5 runners, extend it out to 1 through 6 (15.6 seconds) and 1 through 7 (29 seconds) and this is a team with some depth. Good start to 8km season. More to come. 

Jasper Fall XC Invitational
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Twin Ponds on the Farm
Montgomery, NY
Men’s team standings
1-Stony Brook 24, 2-Siena 63, 3-Fordham 78, 4-Marist 81, 5-Rider 134, 6-Manhattan 212, 7-Merrimack 242, 8-Sacred Heart 242, 9-Fairfield 251, 10-Quinnipiac 265, 11-Marywood 273, 12-Felician 363, 13-USMMA 375
Men’s individual results, 8km course
12-Jackson Borge 25:37.2
15-Logan Schaeffler 25:41.4
16-Gabe Rodriguez 25:42.0
18-Tyler Perry 25:44.9
20-Jeremiah Lanum 25:49.6
23-Kieran Donnelly 25:52.8
34-Jeremy Mbogo 26:06.2
43-Justin Schwartz 26:16.9
47-Raffi Buchakjian 26:30.0
52-Miles Chamberlain 26:40.1
62-Sam Tellefson 26:55.3
70-Joaquin Bell-Andrade 27:07.8
71-Davis Haines 27:07.8
88-Steven Viera 27:32.3
137 finishers

Manhattan meet: Women's results

 Solid start to 6km season for women, with a less-than-full squad, already way ahead of last year's pace. Exciting stuff!

Jasper Fall XC Invitational
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Twin Ponds on the Farm
Montgomery, NY
Women’s team standings
1-Stony Brook 49, 2-Quinnipiac 68, 3-Rider 97, 4-Siena 97, 5-Marist 122, 6-Fordham 164, 7-Fairfield 179, 8-Sacred Heart 184, 9-Merrimack 204, 10-Manhattan 281, 11-Felician 343
Women’s individual results, 6km course
16-Addy Thibodeau 22:09.2
17-Kyra Pellegrino 22:09.8
18-Julia Zydanowicz 22:14.0
32-Adele Alexander 22:44.6
39-Edy Livingston 22:50.4
47-Julia Radjenovic 23:06.6
48-Paige McCaul 23:07.8
54-Mallory Holloway 23:16.1
56-Emily Litke 23:18.2
64-Kayla Hawkins 23:25.6
68-Kate Murtagh 23:52.7
75-Raven Stanet 24:02.6
77-Hannah Belleville 24:05.4
86-Isabella Colabatistto 24:33.5
94-Mary Dougherty 24:52.0
142 finishers

Monday, September 9, 2024

Alumni gathering on Saturday afternoon

We are excited to welcome many of you (Marist Forever Foxes) for the Dutchess County Classic this coming weekend in Poughkeepsie. In addition, we invite you to join us for an informal team/alumni reception at the McCann Center (weather permitting, outside at South Field next to McCann) between 3p and 5p. We'll have pizzas, drinks and good cheer, and you can meet current Red Foxes and make connections with the team! In addition, we'll share plans about the upcoming track project at both North Field and South Field. Hope to see you there! If you get a chance, please text (845 309 3640) or email ( to let us know if you will attend. Lastly, if you are in the area early enough, come out and cheer the current XC team at the Jasper XC Invitational at nearby Twin Ponds on the Farm in Montgomery, NY (43 minutes from Marist!). Women's 6km at 9a and men's 8km at 9:45a. And, of course, we'll see you all at the Classic on Sunday morning! Take care and Go Red Foxes! (neat)

Sunday, September 8, 2024

(getting) excited for the year!


How's THIS for an inspired/inspiring photo! Taken from media day, women's XC coach Chuck Williams surrounded by equally excited seniors. Talk about a HYPE shot! Neat.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Marist track team store

 For those interested in purchasing Marist track team gear (along with Marist Alumni Racing Team gear), there is a new store up for you. Here is the link. Hope you find what you want. Note: This is a service for you, the fan of Marist track/XC. There is no "kickback" to our program, which would require a mark up of pricing. It's all for YOU. I hope you find what you want! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sign of the times

Those of you who have been anywhere near my “office” space (in the James J. McCann Recreation Center) over the past decade will recall that it has been an “office” in name only. More like a glorified (and very cluttered) closet space. Not much work has been accomplished there. Perhaps its (only) defining important feature has been the repository for van keys, which are vital to our day-to-day operation.
Well, here in 2024, all that is changing. A lot is changing around here, actually! Within the past two years, we have added two coaches, both with head coaching pedigree, to our staff. To call them “assistant coaches” would be a misnomer. They are full-time and full steam ahead in remaking this track program into something special. Billy Poole-Harris was added last summer and his strong impact has been felt on a daily basis, with improved performances and improved recruiting. And this past summer, we added Alisha Samuel, who we know will have an equally profound effect on our program.
When Billy got on board last year, he was given an office, right down the hall from “mine.’’ He immediately transformed it into a modern workspace, with a TV monitor, standing desk, computer screens, whiteboard and chairs for meetings and video analysis. Alisha had no such space and there were no vacant offices for her. The solution? My solution? Convert my inefficient and cluttered space into a functioning office – her office!
Of course, this has been off-putting for some. Wait. The Director of Track doesn’t have an office? The assistant coaches are taking over? What’s going on here? Yeah, well. Two things: 1. It’s not true. 2. It doesn't bother me! Not at ALL! My solution to this non-problem dilemma is to rename it the “track office” – clever and highly original, don’t you think?
The transformation is a work in progress, and yesterday this sign from a long-ago Marist cross country invitational on campus (vintage 1970s for sure) almost became a casualty. Fortunately, my son James was part of “Randy’s crew” working on the transformation and threw it in the back of his truck rather than the dumpster that it would have been headed for had he not been there!
Anyway, much like Billy: Alisha has a TV. She has a whiteboard. She has added human, professional touches to replace the otherwise primitive stacks of folders, boxes and used coffee tumblers. The only thing I have insisted on throughout this transformation: Keep a functioning Keurig coffee machine in there. Hey, I’m flexible, I’m laid back, I’m OK being a no-office nomad, no problem … but dammit, I need my coffee! Otherwise? It looks nice. It smells nice. It’s got plants. It’s got organization. In other words? It’s an OFFICE.
As a new (academic) year dawns, the “fresh start effect” is in full force here. It’s out with the old and in with the new. Oh wait. I guess I’M the old, right? Well, I’m not quite “out” yet, but change is growth, and growth is inevitable, and growth and change can be quite exciting and intoxicating. Let’s get this track built. Let’s get Billy and Alisha going full force on recruiting and coaching (don’t worry; they’re well on their way!). And let’s see where we’re at in a few years. I think it will be a pretty special place. Stay tuned.

Reflection(s) on 60


Perhaps the best birthday present ever was the surprise appearance(s) of Joey (center, goofy pose) and Natalie, joining James at home with me to celebrate (turning) 60. Both Joey and Natalie surreptitiously planned Labor Day weekend flights home. It was awesome and highly neat. Here's hoping we can (all) be together again in 10 years to celebrate 70 (years). OK.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Home meet: Women's results = team title!

 What an amazing start for our ladies! We were coming off a strong preseason with a lot of energy, enthusiasm and togetherness – “team culture” is almost a coach’s cliché, but this team has a good one so far. Team culture is vitally important to a successful team. What wins races is a fast, deep team. On this day, that’s exactly what we had, and it appears that it will be sustainable and with an upward trajectory in the coming weeks and months. Very exciting!
Marist Season Opener
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Vassar Farm
Women’s results
1-Marist 37, 2-UConn 42, 3-UAlbany 72, 4-Fairfield 80, 5-Siena 124, 6-Iona INC
Women’s individual results (winner + Marist finishers)
1-Hannah Snayd (Fairfield) 17:56.6
2-Parker O’Brien 18:17.7
5-Adele Alexander 18:21.5
9-Sierra Fisher 18:35.6
11-Addy Thibodeaux 18:40.9
14-Julia Zyndanowicz 19:07.3
17-Paige McCaul 19:10.3
19-Kyra Pellegrino (unattached) 19:12.5
24-Emily Litke 19:44.9
26-Kayla Hawkins 19:52.2
31-Hannah Belleville 20:08.1
33-Raven Stanet 20:14.2
37-Jackie Caron 20:23.0
41-Mallory Holloway 20:35.5
43-Isabella Colabatistto 20:59.2
46-Tori Mariano 21:07.8
47-Caroline Bell 21:14.7
48-Maddy Stevener 21:17.0
49-Grace LaCapra 21:17.5
52-Kate Murtagh 21:40.9
53-Mary Dougherty 21:40.9
59 finishers 

Home meet: Men's results

 It’s rare that one of the “meet highlights” is the date of the meet. In this case, for me, it was my 60th birthday and it was a great day to reach that milestone, with my favorite weather (cloudy, humid, warm) and my favorite team (Marist cross country) and the best tailgate/parent support in the MAAC. And! My older children surprised me by flying in for the weekend. Highly, highly NEAT.
This was a solid start for the men, with four first-years among our top-10 and sophomore Jackson Borge racing for the first time in nearly a year and being our lead runner. Iona, a preseason 15th-ranked team in NCAA Division 1, came to play today, dominating the competition and destroying course-record times in the process. Beyond that? Not gonna analyze the meet much further as we have many weeks/months to go.
Marist Season Opener
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Vassar Farm
Men’s team scores
1-Iona 17, 2-Marist 71, 3-Albany 86, 4-UConn 91, 5-Siena 134, 6-Fairfield 152
Men’s individual results (winner + Marist finishers)
1-Lachlan Wellington (Iona) 18:13.5 *course record
11-Jackson Borge 19:03.7
14-Logan Schaeffler 19:14.9
15-Kieran Donnelly 19:15.6
17-Jeremiah Lanum 19:17.6
21-Jeremy Mbogo 19:30.7
22-Gabriel Rodriguez 19:32.1
24-Tyler Perry 19:37.6
25-Justin Schwartz 19:38.7
28-Davis Haines 19:46.6
30-Raffi Buchakjian 19:47.3
32-Matthew Ferreri 19:50.0
33-Miles Chamberlain 19:50.5
37-Joaquin Bell-Andrade 19:54.0
39-Sanjith Nomula 20:00.0
40-Sean Wilson 20:04.0
43-Sam Tellefson 20:06.1
49-Dennis Love 20:12.0
51-David Laubenheimer 20:14.9
53-Kevin Cannon 20:17.1
54-Jack Dovaras 20:17.6
57-Alexander Pattison 20:24.0
59-Pierce Francis 20:34.7
61-Patrick Wininger 20:43.7
66-Alexander Ushchak 20:50.8
69-Ryan Wisker 20:57.8
75 finishers