Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Blizzard schmizzard

Well, well. At least in the mid-Hudson Valley, the Blizzard of 2015 was a bust. Oh sure, we got snow, but probably about 6 inches when it's all said and done, maybe less in certain areas. It's still snowing out there now, but not too bad. Blogosphere readers to the east of us -- eastern Long Island, eastern Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, etc. -- well, it's a different story. You got a lot of snow! But around here, it was, as Hild texted, a "snowverrated" storm.

Now, before you go ahead and trash the weather forecasters for blowing another storm forecast, understand that they did NOT blow the forecast. The nor'easter/blizzard did happen as they had predicted. It's just that the storm wobbled (they like to use that term) about 75 miles east of the projected path. For those who were closely paying attention to the weather forecasters, that's EXACTLY WHAT THEY SAID! To paraphrase, if you were listening, you probably heard this phraseology: "If the storm tracks even 50 miles east or west, the storm total amounts will vary greatly." And! That's exactly what happened! So, our pal Luke Shane over in Connecticut? He reported a fancy 20 inches earlier today. That sucks for him. If the wobble wobbled our way, the tone of this post would be quite different. And, I probably would not have been able to take the above photo of the not-so-hostile takeover of the Fitness Center by our team. The other photo (dubbed "treadmill track takeover") was taken by Jake Hensler. This is what we do when it snows and when we do not have access to an indoor track. 

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