Thursday, July 11, 2013

Getting up early for a different reason

After a fun and long vacation, followed by a long car ride and a fun alumni wedding, I arrived home last Saturday night tired but in a good mood. On the ride home from the wedding, I made a mental note that I would sleep in on Sunday, a rare treat for me and something I probably would not do for quite some time.

Scratch that idea!

Heidi announced that she would be getting the house up at 5:15 a.m., so we could go to the Walkway and see the hot air balloons launch during the annual Balloon Fest. Getting up at that hour is normal for me. But I'm not used to having company in the house. It was well worth the trip to the bridge on the sultry and humid morning. Balloons everywhere! On the way home, at 7 a.m., we even saw a balloon land in the Home Depot parking lot. Pretty cool.

Sleeping in is overrated.

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