Sunday, April 1, 2012

Notes from the bus …

Prior to this weekend, several members of our Marist Track Family were secretly and not-so-secretly fretting about the recently completed Richmond trip -- due to the cattle-herding nature of our bus travel. We were driving in a not-so-modern coach bus that seated 55 passengers. All but two (2!) seats were occupied.

Holy claustrophobia, Batman! Right?

Not really …

It really wasn’t that bad.

The trip down was a bit long and exhausting, and at times downright LOUD. The trip back home was a bit calmer as most were tired from a long day in the sun. Plus, the movie choices were riveting (or, at the very least, quieting).

But the crowded nature of the bus, and the equally crowded hotel room situation, was tolerated well by our group. We enjoyed the Richmond trip, got a lot out of it in terms of the track and field part of it, and will most likely do it again in the future, as our schedule and budget permits.

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