Indoor track season starts on Saturday with the Yale Season Opener at Coxe Cage.
Here is an updated and final order of events for the meet.
Field Events –
9:00 AM – Men’s Weight Throw followed by Women, followed by Men’s Shot
9:00 AM – Women’s Shot
10:00 AM – Women’s LJ Followed by Men’s LJ, Followed by Women’s TJ, Followed by Men
10:00 AM – Men’s High Jump – Followed By Women
12:00 PM – Women’s Pole Vault followed by Men
Running Events –
11:15 AM – Women’s 5000m
11:40 AM – Men’s 5000m
12:00 PM – Women’s Mile
12:10PM – Men’s Mile
12:20 PM – Women’s 400m
12:30 PM – Men’s 400m
1:00 PM – Men’s 60h Trials
1:10 PM – Women’s 60h Trials
1:20 PM – Women’s 60 Trials
1:30 PM – Men’s 60 Trials
1:45 PM – Women’s 60h Finals
1:50 PM – Men’s 60h Finals
1:55 PM – Women’s 60 Finals
2:00 PM – Men’s 60 Finals
2:05 PM – Women’s 1000m
2:10 PM – Men’s 1000m
2:15 PM – Women’s 500m
2:25 PM – Men’s 500m
2:35 PM – Women’s 800m
2:40 PM – Men’s 800m
2:45 PM – Women’s 200m
3:05 PM – Men’s 200m
3:20 PM – Women’s 3000m
3:30 PM – Women’s 4X800m Relay
3:40 PM – Men’s 4X800m Relay
3:50 PM – Women’s 4X400m Relay
4:00 PM – Men’s 4X400m Relay
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Brave New World
Today begins the long journey called track and field for our entire program. Cross country season is over and it is time to focus full attention on track, with our first indoor meet in just a few days (Saturday) at Yale.
The warm, mid-60s weather for today is a welcome blessing and we will enjoy every minute of it, as we did this weekend. In fact, other than some rain on Tuesday night, the weather this week looks pretty solid for late autumn.
Good thing, as we enter the no-safety-net period of practice for the next few months. Yes, that’s right: With all due respect to Aldous Huxley, we are venturing into a Brave New World of indoor track training -- without our trusty old indoor track in the McCann Center for intervals or just solitary indoor laps of mileage. We’ll be outside pretty much every day (Where? Not sure, but stay tuned!), and we will adjust in the best way we can.
The warm, mid-60s weather for today is a welcome blessing and we will enjoy every minute of it, as we did this weekend. In fact, other than some rain on Tuesday night, the weather this week looks pretty solid for late autumn.
Good thing, as we enter the no-safety-net period of practice for the next few months. Yes, that’s right: With all due respect to Aldous Huxley, we are venturing into a Brave New World of indoor track training -- without our trusty old indoor track in the McCann Center for intervals or just solitary indoor laps of mileage. We’ll be outside pretty much every day (Where? Not sure, but stay tuned!), and we will adjust in the best way we can.
Cheatin’ winter
My Monday morning routine goes something like this: Up at 5:05 a.m., dress to run, out to warm up the car for my short drive to meet Fast Tony and Not So Fast Artie for our jog. Only when I went out to warm up the car this morning, it did not need much warming. It was 52 degrees! Wow!
Went back inside and changed from running pants to shorts. Shorts! On Nov. 28! This is probably the last day for a while in which shorts will be appropriate in the pre-dawn darkness.
Fine with me. A day like this feels like we are cheating winter, stealing one last warm day before the cold sets in for good.
Went back inside and changed from running pants to shorts. Shorts! On Nov. 28! This is probably the last day for a while in which shorts will be appropriate in the pre-dawn darkness.
Fine with me. A day like this feels like we are cheating winter, stealing one last warm day before the cold sets in for good.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
OK. I was going to do a heartfelt Thanksgiving post, telling the blogosphere all that I am grateful for. But today, I’m going to do something different.
First off, I am thankful and grateful for the many blessings in my life. But I believe that I have those feelings year-round, and not just on a given day. This late summer/fall was an up-and-down rollercoaster for us in many ways, and it put clearly into focus all for which I am grateful.
So rather than another post from me, instead I am going to share with you a Letter to God by my 6-year-old son James. James is in kindergarten. Please remember that when you read this letter. He dictated it to his 9-year-old sister Natalie, who typed it up on the computer.
Here is James’ Letter to God.
Dear God,
Thank you for making us helpful.
Thank you for the world. Thank you for the sky and ground. Thank you from all us Colaizzos for our wonderful family. Thank you for Moms and Dads and Grandmas and Grandpas.
Thank you for tissues. Thank you for school. Thank you for myself. Thank you for all the things I love. Thank you for Mario times video games. Thank you for Legos.
Thank you for fields and the clouds. Thank you for when I was in heaven before I was a baby. Thank you for the animals at the zoo. Thank you for God.
P.S. How did you make the world?
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
First off, I am thankful and grateful for the many blessings in my life. But I believe that I have those feelings year-round, and not just on a given day. This late summer/fall was an up-and-down rollercoaster for us in many ways, and it put clearly into focus all for which I am grateful.
So rather than another post from me, instead I am going to share with you a Letter to God by my 6-year-old son James. James is in kindergarten. Please remember that when you read this letter. He dictated it to his 9-year-old sister Natalie, who typed it up on the computer.
Here is James’ Letter to God.
Dear God,
Thank you for making us helpful.
Thank you for the world. Thank you for the sky and ground. Thank you from all us Colaizzos for our wonderful family. Thank you for Moms and Dads and Grandmas and Grandpas.
Thank you for tissues. Thank you for school. Thank you for myself. Thank you for all the things I love. Thank you for Mario times video games. Thank you for Legos.
Thank you for fields and the clouds. Thank you for when I was in heaven before I was a baby. Thank you for the animals at the zoo. Thank you for God.
P.S. How did you make the world?
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Indoor track schedule
Thanksgiving Week provides us with one of the few, in-semester breaks from practice and competition during the academic year. The other one is Spring Break in March. Other than that, we are usually in-season in terms of practice and/or competition.
I hope everyone enjoys this week off. But really, our sport never ends.
We will be down at Bowdoin Park on Saturday for the NXN Northeast and New York Regional XC meet. I'm certain several current team members will be there, checking out their former teammates in yet another big XC race.
In the meantime, as we look ahead, here is our indoor track schedule for 2011-2012.
Saturday, December 3: Yale Invitational
Saturday, December 10: Brother Jasper Invitational at Manhattan College (weight throw on Friday)
Friday, January 13: NYC Gotham Cup, Armory
Friday, January 27: Mets at Armory (split squad, mostly women)
Friday/Saturday, Jan 27-28: Terrier at Boston University (split squad, mostly men)
Friday/Saturday, Feb. 3-4: New Balance Collegiate at Armory (selective; qualifiers only)
Friday/Saturday, Feb. 10-11: Valentine at Boston University (women on Friday; men on Friday/Saturday)
Friday, Feb. 17: MAAC Championships at Armory
Thur, Feb. 23: Armory Collegiate Challenge at Armory (selective; qualifiers/last chance athletes only)
Sat/Sun, March 3-4: ECAC/IC4A Championships, Boston (qualifiers only)
I hope everyone enjoys this week off. But really, our sport never ends.
We will be down at Bowdoin Park on Saturday for the NXN Northeast and New York Regional XC meet. I'm certain several current team members will be there, checking out their former teammates in yet another big XC race.
In the meantime, as we look ahead, here is our indoor track schedule for 2011-2012.
Saturday, December 3: Yale Invitational
Saturday, December 10: Brother Jasper Invitational at Manhattan College (weight throw on Friday)
Friday, January 13: NYC Gotham Cup, Armory
Friday, January 27: Mets at Armory (split squad, mostly women)
Friday/Saturday, Jan 27-28: Terrier at Boston University (split squad, mostly men)
Friday/Saturday, Feb. 3-4: New Balance Collegiate at Armory (selective; qualifiers only)
Friday/Saturday, Feb. 10-11: Valentine at Boston University (women on Friday; men on Friday/Saturday)
Friday, Feb. 17: MAAC Championships at Armory
Thur, Feb. 23: Armory Collegiate Challenge at Armory (selective; qualifiers/last chance athletes only)
Sat/Sun, March 3-4: ECAC/IC4A Championships, Boston (qualifiers only)
Monday, November 21, 2011
More Philly results
In addition to the previous post, please note the following Marist Running Alum results from Philly on Sunday:
-- In the half marathon, Liza Grudzinski was 29th overall in the women's race in 1:23:01. Liza was fourth in the 30-34 age group. Nice race!
-- In the marathon, sorry for missing Chris Camp, who finished his fifth marathon in 3:19:15.
-- In the half marathon, Liza Grudzinski was 29th overall in the women's race in 1:23:01. Liza was fourth in the 30-34 age group. Nice race!
-- In the marathon, sorry for missing Chris Camp, who finished his fifth marathon in 3:19:15.
Putting it all together
Among the many alumni and friends in attendance at Saturday’s emotional season- and senior-ending IC4A/ECAC cross country meet at Van Cortlandt Park, the surprise guest of the day was Marist Running (class of 1997) alum Tim Russo.
We have not seen Russo in years, but he remains a big part of our program in a second-generation manner. Like many of our former athletes, Timmy is now a coach – at Harborfields on Long Island. Our women’s lead runner, Michelle Gaye, is a Harborfields alum and one of Russo’s former charges. Timmy was at Vanny to watch Michelle and to see his old Running Red Fox team in action.
It was great to see him, recall old times and share coaching stories. We talked about the bittersweet ending to his team’s fall XC season. They had a wonderful season overall, but fell short on one team goal, due to the excellent performance of a rival school.
But then Timmy said something that made this old coach smile, laugh and grimace at the same time, something to the effect of: “You know Pete, we just weren’t able to get everyone, 1 through 5, to put it together on the same day.”
Oh yeah, bro? NO KIDDING! Welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of XC coaching (in fairness, Russo has been at it for a while). His lament is all too common; it is what drives us batty and keeps us coming back for more, year after year after blessed year.
Putting it all together. It’s that elusive goal. In my time coaching the men’s XC team through several decades, I can only think of a handful of meets where this happened.
Most recently, it was at the 2010 NCAA Regional in Connecticut, thanks to one of the most clutch single-person performances I’ve ever witnessed by our fifth man Nick Webster. Granted, 1 through 4 nailed it as well, but Web’s race was what closed the deal.
The other one that comes immediately to mind is the 2000 IC4A Championships. Marist Running Alum and Bronx neighbor Greg Salamone, a regular Vanny visitor, was a huge part of that championship effort. But again, the clutch, fifth-man day of Pat Driscoll is what I remember most as sealing the deal for us and bringing home our team title.
I’m sure there were a few other times as well. But the point is this: It happens very, very infrequently.
In our best meet this year for the men, the MAAC Championships, we put together the fastest five-man combined time in the nearly 50 years of Marist XC at Van Cortlandt Park. A school record. Never happened before. You would think that was a perfect day, where it all came together, 1 through 5. You would be wrong. That’s how difficult and how rare it truly is.
So yeah. I told Timmy it does not happen much at all. If it happens once in a season, consider yourself blessed. I pointed to my facial hair (mostly gray) and my actual hair (mostly … none) as proof to what trying to get a team to “put it all together on the same day” can do to you. It’s a labor of love, one that Russo has done and will continue to do, and one that we will keep plugging away at for as long as we can.
We have not seen Russo in years, but he remains a big part of our program in a second-generation manner. Like many of our former athletes, Timmy is now a coach – at Harborfields on Long Island. Our women’s lead runner, Michelle Gaye, is a Harborfields alum and one of Russo’s former charges. Timmy was at Vanny to watch Michelle and to see his old Running Red Fox team in action.
It was great to see him, recall old times and share coaching stories. We talked about the bittersweet ending to his team’s fall XC season. They had a wonderful season overall, but fell short on one team goal, due to the excellent performance of a rival school.
But then Timmy said something that made this old coach smile, laugh and grimace at the same time, something to the effect of: “You know Pete, we just weren’t able to get everyone, 1 through 5, to put it together on the same day.”
Oh yeah, bro? NO KIDDING! Welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of XC coaching (in fairness, Russo has been at it for a while). His lament is all too common; it is what drives us batty and keeps us coming back for more, year after year after blessed year.
Putting it all together. It’s that elusive goal. In my time coaching the men’s XC team through several decades, I can only think of a handful of meets where this happened.
Most recently, it was at the 2010 NCAA Regional in Connecticut, thanks to one of the most clutch single-person performances I’ve ever witnessed by our fifth man Nick Webster. Granted, 1 through 4 nailed it as well, but Web’s race was what closed the deal.
The other one that comes immediately to mind is the 2000 IC4A Championships. Marist Running Alum and Bronx neighbor Greg Salamone, a regular Vanny visitor, was a huge part of that championship effort. But again, the clutch, fifth-man day of Pat Driscoll is what I remember most as sealing the deal for us and bringing home our team title.
I’m sure there were a few other times as well. But the point is this: It happens very, very infrequently.
In our best meet this year for the men, the MAAC Championships, we put together the fastest five-man combined time in the nearly 50 years of Marist XC at Van Cortlandt Park. A school record. Never happened before. You would think that was a perfect day, where it all came together, 1 through 5. You would be wrong. That’s how difficult and how rare it truly is.
So yeah. I told Timmy it does not happen much at all. If it happens once in a season, consider yourself blessed. I pointed to my facial hair (mostly gray) and my actual hair (mostly … none) as proof to what trying to get a team to “put it all together on the same day” can do to you. It’s a labor of love, one that Russo has done and will continue to do, and one that we will keep plugging away at for as long as we can.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Philly Marathon results
Congrats to Marist Running Alums for strong performances at today’s Philadelphia Marathon:
--David Raucci went out hard in an attempt for a personal-best time in the low 2:20s. It did not work out, but he still finished 45th overall out of more than 10,000 finishers, in 2:40:34.
--Joe Tarantello basically equaled his PR with a time of 2:47:39 (84th overall). Joe’s PR is 2:47:07. This is an excellent showing, considering Joe reported he has been sick the past two weeks and entered the race at less than 100 percent. Nice effort!
--Three cheers to first-time marathoners Alex Emerel (2:55:53), Colin Johnson (3:02:07) and Teddy Marak (3:26:33). All three guys admitted to going out too hard and paying the price for it later. Common mistake, men! Live and learn. I’m proud of you all.
--David Raucci went out hard in an attempt for a personal-best time in the low 2:20s. It did not work out, but he still finished 45th overall out of more than 10,000 finishers, in 2:40:34.
--Joe Tarantello basically equaled his PR with a time of 2:47:39 (84th overall). Joe’s PR is 2:47:07. This is an excellent showing, considering Joe reported he has been sick the past two weeks and entered the race at less than 100 percent. Nice effort!
--Three cheers to first-time marathoners Alex Emerel (2:55:53), Colin Johnson (3:02:07) and Teddy Marak (3:26:33). All three guys admitted to going out too hard and paying the price for it later. Common mistake, men! Live and learn. I’m proud of you all.
Updated VCP top individuals all-time
Below is a more streamlined take at the best-ever Marist men at Van Cortlandt Park.
For more than 20 years, Jerry Scholder's 25:25 mark from the 1976 IC4A meet was the Holy Grail of Marist Running ... a seemingly untouchable record.
Quimes DelaCruz's outstanding run on Saturday now makes him the sixth runner to eclipse that former long-time record.
This streamlined list includes only the single best time by each individual to crack the 26:30 barrier in their career.
Van Cortlandt Park sub-26:30 list, all-time (through 2011)
1. Girma Segni 25:01.4 09/2008
2. Will Griffin 25:03.4 10/2011
3. Matt Flint 25:04.0 10/2011
4. Mike Melfi 25:11 10/1998
5. David Raucci 25:13 11/2008
6. Arquimedes DelaCruz 25:17 11/2011
7. Jerry Scholder 25:25 11/1976
8. Conor Shelley 25:33.8 09/2008
9. Kirk Dornton 25:38.1 11/2002
10. Ken Walshak 25:47.8 11/2010
11. Tim Keegan 25:49 11/2008
12. Don Reardon 25:51 10/1987
13. Mike Nehr 25:52.2 11/2001
14. Pete Pazik 25:54 09/1984
15. Ben Hefferon 25:58.6 11/1998
16. Jason Grady 26:02.8 09/2000
17. Matt Cole 26:02.9 10/1978
18. Jamal Padgett 26:03.5 11/2001
19. Greg Salamone 26:03.9 10/1999
20. Mike Rolek 26:04.0 09/2007
21. Ron Gadziala 26:05.2 10/1978
22. David Swift 26:07 09/1994
23. Justin Harris 26:10.9 11/2006
24. Geoff Decker 26:12.5 10/2003
25. Curtis Jensen 26:12.6 11/2009
26. Bob Coufal 26:14 11/1977
27. Adam Vess 26:14.2 10/2009
28. Fred Kolthay 26:15 11/1976
29. Glen Middleton 26:15 10/1984
30. Steve Hicks 26:18 10/2004
31. John Keenan 26:18.4 10/2006
32. Pat Driscoll 26:18.6 11/2001
33. Tom Lipari 26:19.1 10/2011
34. Marty Feeney 26:23 10/1992
35. Brian Townsend 26:27.5 10/2011
36. Tom Williams 26:27.8 11/2006
For more than 20 years, Jerry Scholder's 25:25 mark from the 1976 IC4A meet was the Holy Grail of Marist Running ... a seemingly untouchable record.
Quimes DelaCruz's outstanding run on Saturday now makes him the sixth runner to eclipse that former long-time record.
This streamlined list includes only the single best time by each individual to crack the 26:30 barrier in their career.
Van Cortlandt Park sub-26:30 list, all-time (through 2011)
1. Girma Segni 25:01.4 09/2008
2. Will Griffin 25:03.4 10/2011
3. Matt Flint 25:04.0 10/2011
4. Mike Melfi 25:11 10/1998
5. David Raucci 25:13 11/2008
6. Arquimedes DelaCruz 25:17 11/2011
7. Jerry Scholder 25:25 11/1976
8. Conor Shelley 25:33.8 09/2008
9. Kirk Dornton 25:38.1 11/2002
10. Ken Walshak 25:47.8 11/2010
11. Tim Keegan 25:49 11/2008
12. Don Reardon 25:51 10/1987
13. Mike Nehr 25:52.2 11/2001
14. Pete Pazik 25:54 09/1984
15. Ben Hefferon 25:58.6 11/1998
16. Jason Grady 26:02.8 09/2000
17. Matt Cole 26:02.9 10/1978
18. Jamal Padgett 26:03.5 11/2001
19. Greg Salamone 26:03.9 10/1999
20. Mike Rolek 26:04.0 09/2007
21. Ron Gadziala 26:05.2 10/1978
22. David Swift 26:07 09/1994
23. Justin Harris 26:10.9 11/2006
24. Geoff Decker 26:12.5 10/2003
25. Curtis Jensen 26:12.6 11/2009
26. Bob Coufal 26:14 11/1977
27. Adam Vess 26:14.2 10/2009
28. Fred Kolthay 26:15 11/1976
29. Glen Middleton 26:15 10/1984
30. Steve Hicks 26:18 10/2004
31. John Keenan 26:18.4 10/2006
32. Pat Driscoll 26:18.6 11/2001
33. Tom Lipari 26:19.1 10/2011
34. Marty Feeney 26:23 10/1992
35. Brian Townsend 26:27.5 10/2011
36. Tom Williams 26:27.8 11/2006
Updated VCP team lists
Saturday's meet represented the sixth-fastest team finish in school history ... pretty impressive considering of our lead runners (Matt Flint) did not finish the race.
Here's the updated list ...
Top team performances in school history at Van Cortlandt Park (through November 2011)
1-MAAC Championships, October 28, 2011
Will Griffin 25:03.4
Matt Flint 25:04.0
Arquimedes DelaCruz 25:32.0
Tommy Lipari 26:19.1
Ken Walshak 26:25.4
Total time, top 5: 2:08:23.9
Average time: 25:40.6
2-ICAAAA Championships, November 20, 2010
Matt Flint 25:11.5
Arquimedes DelaCruz 25:25.4
Will Griffin 25:32.6
Ken Walshak 25:47.8
Tim Keegan 26:32.6
Total time, top 5: 2:08:29.9
Average time: 25:42.0
3. ICAAAA Championships, November 22, 2008
David Raucci 25:13
Girma Segni 25:43
Tim Keegan 25:49
Will Griffin 25:54
Conor Shelley 26:04
Total time, top 5: 2:08:43
Average time: 25:44.6
4. Iona Meet of Champions, September 20, 2008
Girma Segni 25:01.4 (school record)
David Raucci 25:19.1
Conor Shelley 25:33.8
Matthew Flint 26:25.2
Tim Keegan 26:28.5
Total time, top 5: 2:08:48.0
Average time: 25:45.6
5. MAAC Championships, October 27, 2006
Girma Segni 25:17.0
David Raucci 25:38.7
Conor Shelley 25:46.1
John Keenan 26:18.4
Justin Harris 26:40.0
Total time, top 5: 2:09:40.2
Average time: 25:56.0
6. ICAAAA Championships, November 19, 2011
Arquimedes DelaCruz 25:17
Will Griffin 25:38
Ken Walshak 25:55
Tommy Lipari 26:31
Mark Valentino 26:35
Total time, top 5: 2:09:56.0
Average time: 25:59.2
7. ICAAAA Championships, November 18, 2006
David Raucci 25:32.9
Girma Segni 25:37.5
Justin Harris 26:10.9
Conor Shelley 26:12.5
Tom Williams 26:27.8
Total time, top 5: 2:10:01.6
Average time: 26:00.3
8. MAAC Championships, October 26, 2007
Girma Segni 25:21.0
David Raucci 25:29.8
Mike Rolek 26:04.0
Conor Shelley 26:16.5
John Keenan 26:56.7
Total time, top 5: 2:10:08.0
Average time: 26:01.6
9. Metropolitan Championships, October 6, 2006
Girma Segni 25:15.5
David Raucci 25:45.2
Conor Shelley 25:54.4
Justin Harris 26:33.1
Mike Cator 26:43.2
Total time, top 5: 2:10:12.9
Average time: 26:02.6
10. ICAAAA Championships, November 17, 2007
Girma Segni 25:36
David Raucci 25:38
Mike Rolek 26:10
Conor Shelley 26:19
Adam Vess 26:49
Total time, top 5: 2:10:32.0
Average time: 26:06.4
11. ICAAAA Championships, November 18, 2000
Mike Nehr 25:58.7
Jason Grady 26:04.7
Jamal Padgett 26:09.7
Greg Salamone 26:11.6
Pat Driscoll 26:28.6
Total time, top 5: 2:10:53.5
Average time: 26:10.7
Here's the updated list ...
Top team performances in school history at Van Cortlandt Park (through November 2011)
1-MAAC Championships, October 28, 2011
Will Griffin 25:03.4
Matt Flint 25:04.0
Arquimedes DelaCruz 25:32.0
Tommy Lipari 26:19.1
Ken Walshak 26:25.4
Total time, top 5: 2:08:23.9
Average time: 25:40.6
2-ICAAAA Championships, November 20, 2010
Matt Flint 25:11.5
Arquimedes DelaCruz 25:25.4
Will Griffin 25:32.6
Ken Walshak 25:47.8
Tim Keegan 26:32.6
Total time, top 5: 2:08:29.9
Average time: 25:42.0
3. ICAAAA Championships, November 22, 2008
David Raucci 25:13
Girma Segni 25:43
Tim Keegan 25:49
Will Griffin 25:54
Conor Shelley 26:04
Total time, top 5: 2:08:43
Average time: 25:44.6
4. Iona Meet of Champions, September 20, 2008
Girma Segni 25:01.4 (school record)
David Raucci 25:19.1
Conor Shelley 25:33.8
Matthew Flint 26:25.2
Tim Keegan 26:28.5
Total time, top 5: 2:08:48.0
Average time: 25:45.6
5. MAAC Championships, October 27, 2006
Girma Segni 25:17.0
David Raucci 25:38.7
Conor Shelley 25:46.1
John Keenan 26:18.4
Justin Harris 26:40.0
Total time, top 5: 2:09:40.2
Average time: 25:56.0
6. ICAAAA Championships, November 19, 2011
Arquimedes DelaCruz 25:17
Will Griffin 25:38
Ken Walshak 25:55
Tommy Lipari 26:31
Mark Valentino 26:35
Total time, top 5: 2:09:56.0
Average time: 25:59.2
7. ICAAAA Championships, November 18, 2006
David Raucci 25:32.9
Girma Segni 25:37.5
Justin Harris 26:10.9
Conor Shelley 26:12.5
Tom Williams 26:27.8
Total time, top 5: 2:10:01.6
Average time: 26:00.3
8. MAAC Championships, October 26, 2007
Girma Segni 25:21.0
David Raucci 25:29.8
Mike Rolek 26:04.0
Conor Shelley 26:16.5
John Keenan 26:56.7
Total time, top 5: 2:10:08.0
Average time: 26:01.6
9. Metropolitan Championships, October 6, 2006
Girma Segni 25:15.5
David Raucci 25:45.2
Conor Shelley 25:54.4
Justin Harris 26:33.1
Mike Cator 26:43.2
Total time, top 5: 2:10:12.9
Average time: 26:02.6
10. ICAAAA Championships, November 17, 2007
Girma Segni 25:36
David Raucci 25:38
Mike Rolek 26:10
Conor Shelley 26:19
Adam Vess 26:49
Total time, top 5: 2:10:32.0
Average time: 26:06.4
11. ICAAAA Championships, November 18, 2000
Mike Nehr 25:58.7
Jason Grady 26:04.7
Jamal Padgett 26:09.7
Greg Salamone 26:11.6
Pat Driscoll 26:28.6
Total time, top 5: 2:10:53.5
Average time: 26:10.7
Saturday, November 19, 2011
ECAC Championships results
This was an exciting finish to a positive and upbeat season for us on the women’s side.
We had four ECAC All-East finishers, most in school history according to Coach Chuck.
Like the guys, the times were slowed a bit by the strong southwest wind.
In general, this was a nice and sunny sendoff to a group of seniors – women and men – that will be near and dear to our hearts for a long, long time.
ECAC Championships
University Division
Team standings:
1-Albany 109, 2-Marist 119, 3-Towson 159, 4-Sacred Heart 176, 5-Delaware 195, 6-Monmouth 197, 7-Rider 205, 8-Fordham 212, 9-Bucknell 228, 10-George Mason 231, 11-Binghamton 237, 12-Fairfield 242, 13-Central Connecticut 247, 14-St. John’s 346, 15-Temple 421, 16-Holy Cross 459, 17-Seton Hall 470, 18-Longwood 485, 19-Hofstra 498, 20-Hampton 499, 21-NJIT 548, 22-Siena 641
Marist finishers, 5-kilometer course
2-Michelle Gaye 18:15 *ECAC All-East
18-Erin Thompson 18:47 *ECAC All-East
21-Katie Messina 18:59 *ECAC All-East
24-Briana Crowe 19:02 *ECAC All-East
54-Erin O’Reilly 19:25
81-Brianna Freestone 19:46
86-Becca Denise 19:50
91-Kathryn Sheehan 19:53
112-Elizabeth O’Brien 20:08
130-Colleen Smith 20:23
141-Tara Nuccitelli 20:31
Coaches Race
2-Kara Lightowler 19:42.4
13-Dayna McLaughlin 20:19.8
17-Allyson O’Brien 20:26.5
19-Alex Davis 20:32.0
32-Laura Lindsley 20:47.5
39-Miy Mahran 21:24.9
40-Rachel Lichtenwalner 21:25.5
51-Kim Bartlett 22:39.5
We had four ECAC All-East finishers, most in school history according to Coach Chuck.
Like the guys, the times were slowed a bit by the strong southwest wind.
In general, this was a nice and sunny sendoff to a group of seniors – women and men – that will be near and dear to our hearts for a long, long time.
ECAC Championships
University Division
Team standings:
1-Albany 109, 2-Marist 119, 3-Towson 159, 4-Sacred Heart 176, 5-Delaware 195, 6-Monmouth 197, 7-Rider 205, 8-Fordham 212, 9-Bucknell 228, 10-George Mason 231, 11-Binghamton 237, 12-Fairfield 242, 13-Central Connecticut 247, 14-St. John’s 346, 15-Temple 421, 16-Holy Cross 459, 17-Seton Hall 470, 18-Longwood 485, 19-Hofstra 498, 20-Hampton 499, 21-NJIT 548, 22-Siena 641
Marist finishers, 5-kilometer course
2-Michelle Gaye 18:15 *ECAC All-East
18-Erin Thompson 18:47 *ECAC All-East
21-Katie Messina 18:59 *ECAC All-East
24-Briana Crowe 19:02 *ECAC All-East
54-Erin O’Reilly 19:25
81-Brianna Freestone 19:46
86-Becca Denise 19:50
91-Kathryn Sheehan 19:53
112-Elizabeth O’Brien 20:08
130-Colleen Smith 20:23
141-Tara Nuccitelli 20:31
Coaches Race
2-Kara Lightowler 19:42.4
13-Dayna McLaughlin 20:19.8
17-Allyson O’Brien 20:26.5
19-Alex Davis 20:32.0
32-Laura Lindsley 20:47.5
39-Miy Mahran 21:24.9
40-Rachel Lichtenwalner 21:25.5
51-Kim Bartlett 22:39.5
IC4A Championships results
This was a solid finish to our season. Times were slowed by a stiff southwest breeze.
Quimes DelaCruz ran a strong PR and is now sixth all-time at Van Cortlandt Park (I will update the all-time lists later and post them in the coming days).
Will Griffin ended his stellar XC career with another All-East performance. Ken Walshak and Mark Valentino ended the season with their best races of the fall.
Again, overall a strong finish to what has been a mostly positive season. More analysis and thoughts in the coming days …
Great to see all the alumni, family and friends gathering under our tents for an awesome food spread.
IC4A Championships
Championship Division
Team standings:
1-Princeton 50, 2-Albany 121, 3-LaSalle 145, 4-Syracuse 168, 5-Duquesne and St. Joseph’s 190, 7-Georgetown 192, 8-Liberty 192, 9-UMass 221, 10-Central Connecticut 223, 11-UConn 233, 12-Marist 241, 13-Boston College 273, 14-Iona 360, 15-Columbia 367, 16-George Mason 378, 17-Rider 380
Marist finishers, 5-mile course
8-Arquimedes DelaCruz 25:17 *ICAAAA All-East
20-Will Griffin 25:38 *ICAAAA All-East
41-Ken Walshak 25:55
85-Tommy Lipari 26:31
91-Mark Valentino 26:35
99-Joel Moss 26:58
108-Brian Townsend 27:06
118-Mike Nicoletti 27:19
137-Mohamed Eid 28:04
DNF-Matt Flint
Coaches Race
7-Nick Salek 27:29
10-Rob Gorski 27:38
12-Ian Dorset 27:41
15-Billy Hild 27:46
16-Ryan Fitzsimons 27:50
17-Tommy Lappas 27:54
18-Nick Hughes 27:55
23-Ryan Brown 28:25
32-Kyle Havard 28:45
34-Brian Gordon 28:50
37-Will Schanz 28:54
38-Bryan Buttigieg 28:55
45-Doug Ainscow 29:25
46-Mike Keegan 29:27
47-Ben Windisch 29:30
52-Adam Osowski 29:55
55-Brendan Green 30:23
60-Dominick Corradi 31:09
Quimes DelaCruz ran a strong PR and is now sixth all-time at Van Cortlandt Park (I will update the all-time lists later and post them in the coming days).
Will Griffin ended his stellar XC career with another All-East performance. Ken Walshak and Mark Valentino ended the season with their best races of the fall.
Again, overall a strong finish to what has been a mostly positive season. More analysis and thoughts in the coming days …
Great to see all the alumni, family and friends gathering under our tents for an awesome food spread.
IC4A Championships
Championship Division
Team standings:
1-Princeton 50, 2-Albany 121, 3-LaSalle 145, 4-Syracuse 168, 5-Duquesne and St. Joseph’s 190, 7-Georgetown 192, 8-Liberty 192, 9-UMass 221, 10-Central Connecticut 223, 11-UConn 233, 12-Marist 241, 13-Boston College 273, 14-Iona 360, 15-Columbia 367, 16-George Mason 378, 17-Rider 380
Marist finishers, 5-mile course
8-Arquimedes DelaCruz 25:17 *ICAAAA All-East
20-Will Griffin 25:38 *ICAAAA All-East
41-Ken Walshak 25:55
85-Tommy Lipari 26:31
91-Mark Valentino 26:35
99-Joel Moss 26:58
108-Brian Townsend 27:06
118-Mike Nicoletti 27:19
137-Mohamed Eid 28:04
DNF-Matt Flint
Coaches Race
7-Nick Salek 27:29
10-Rob Gorski 27:38
12-Ian Dorset 27:41
15-Billy Hild 27:46
16-Ryan Fitzsimons 27:50
17-Tommy Lappas 27:54
18-Nick Hughes 27:55
23-Ryan Brown 28:25
32-Kyle Havard 28:45
34-Brian Gordon 28:50
37-Will Schanz 28:54
38-Bryan Buttigieg 28:55
45-Doug Ainscow 29:25
46-Mike Keegan 29:27
47-Ben Windisch 29:30
52-Adam Osowski 29:55
55-Brendan Green 30:23
60-Dominick Corradi 31:09
Thursday, November 17, 2011
An evening with JT
If my wife, and others of our age group and older, were to read the title of this post, they would probably think I am about to write about a James Taylor concert. Nope! Sorry to disappoint.
Rather, I am writing about a splendid reunion we had last night with a long-lost member of the Marist Running Family. John T. Lasker (JT), class of 1997, was in town last night on Official Business for ESPN, where he works in programming and acquisitions for ESPN’s digital and TV platforms. He was here to see the new McCann Arena’s first home basketball game – women vs. Villanova – and to check out the stunningly high-tech Control Room up near our offices on the second floor of McCann.
After his Official Business portion of the trip with Marist’s Director of Athletics Tim Murray, he stopped by my office and we caught up on old news and new business, since his long-lost days as a Running Red Fox back in the mid-1990s. Minutes turned to hours as we discussed his running days and his immensely successful career at ESPN.
Sure, he was here to check things out for current and future multimedia partnerships with Marist and the MAAC. But he is also part of the Marist Running Family, and the reunion was a wonderful experience. He will always be one of “our boys” – although, some of “our boys” are now in their mid-30s and beyond!
Like all alums of our program, we remain proud of everything they have accomplished in the time they were here, but especially in the time since they have departed. Even though 14-plus years have passed since JT wore the black singlet (Oh! It’s true! We did wear black back in the day!) of our program, time melted away as we chatted about the past, present and future.
It is my sincere hope that, 14 or so years from now, some member of our current team will come back to McCann in some official or unofficial capacity, sit in the office and talk about the past, present and future with (by then) a truly old man.
Rather, I am writing about a splendid reunion we had last night with a long-lost member of the Marist Running Family. John T. Lasker (JT), class of 1997, was in town last night on Official Business for ESPN, where he works in programming and acquisitions for ESPN’s digital and TV platforms. He was here to see the new McCann Arena’s first home basketball game – women vs. Villanova – and to check out the stunningly high-tech Control Room up near our offices on the second floor of McCann.
After his Official Business portion of the trip with Marist’s Director of Athletics Tim Murray, he stopped by my office and we caught up on old news and new business, since his long-lost days as a Running Red Fox back in the mid-1990s. Minutes turned to hours as we discussed his running days and his immensely successful career at ESPN.
Sure, he was here to check things out for current and future multimedia partnerships with Marist and the MAAC. But he is also part of the Marist Running Family, and the reunion was a wonderful experience. He will always be one of “our boys” – although, some of “our boys” are now in their mid-30s and beyond!
Like all alums of our program, we remain proud of everything they have accomplished in the time they were here, but especially in the time since they have departed. Even though 14-plus years have passed since JT wore the black singlet (Oh! It’s true! We did wear black back in the day!) of our program, time melted away as we chatted about the past, present and future.
It is my sincere hope that, 14 or so years from now, some member of our current team will come back to McCann in some official or unofficial capacity, sit in the office and talk about the past, present and future with (by then) a truly old man.
Walk this way?
Check out this really interesting story about racewalking (wow, never thought you’d see “really interesting” and “racewalking” in the same sentence, did you?) from today’s New York Times.
A woman in upstate New York apparently is as good or better than most men in long-distance (50-kilometer) racewalking. Unfortunately for her, there is no 50km racewalk for women at the international level. Here’s hoping that, with her success, it can become an event.
This is one of those chicken-egg arguments: The standard line is, “well, there is insufficient interest in 50km racewalking for women.” But, if you do not offer it, how can there be interest! Right?
A woman in upstate New York apparently is as good or better than most men in long-distance (50-kilometer) racewalking. Unfortunately for her, there is no 50km racewalk for women at the international level. Here’s hoping that, with her success, it can become an event.
This is one of those chicken-egg arguments: The standard line is, “well, there is insufficient interest in 50km racewalking for women.” But, if you do not offer it, how can there be interest! Right?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Final trails
Hard to believe, but today was essentially the final cross country practice, off campus, of the long season.
On a relatively mild mid-November day, we traveled up to the FDR Library for a short, timed fartlek session on the Cator Loop. It worked out perfectly, as we got the warmup, workout and cooldown in before the heavy rain came.
And so what began more than 12 weeks ago during the summer months and preseason week comes to a close. Another XC season will be in the books after Saturday’s IC4A/ECAC meet.
There is always a bit of sadness with the ending of one season, but it is mixed with the hope of new seasons and new starting lines to come.
But first, one more starting line -- in the grass on Saturday, at Van Cortlandt Park.
On a relatively mild mid-November day, we traveled up to the FDR Library for a short, timed fartlek session on the Cator Loop. It worked out perfectly, as we got the warmup, workout and cooldown in before the heavy rain came.
And so what began more than 12 weeks ago during the summer months and preseason week comes to a close. Another XC season will be in the books after Saturday’s IC4A/ECAC meet.
There is always a bit of sadness with the ending of one season, but it is mixed with the hope of new seasons and new starting lines to come.
But first, one more starting line -- in the grass on Saturday, at Van Cortlandt Park.
Let us pray
Monday, November 14, 2011
IC4A/ECAC time schedule for Saturday
Races in which we are entered are in bold:
9:30 a.m.: Coaches' Association Races (men/women combined)
10:30 a.m.: IC4A Championship Division race
11:15 a.m.: ECAC Championship Division race
11:45 a.m.: IC4A University Division race
12:30 p.m.: ECAC University Division race
Hope to see you there.
9:30 a.m.: Coaches' Association Races (men/women combined)
10:30 a.m.: IC4A Championship Division race
11:15 a.m.: ECAC Championship Division race
11:45 a.m.: IC4A University Division race
12:30 p.m.: ECAC University Division race
Hope to see you there.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Alums shine at Stockade-athon

Marist Alumni Running was well represented at Sunday’s Stockade-athon 15-kilometer race in Schenectady.
Brittany Burns sported an elite bib number and lived up to the pre-race billing by getting fifth overall among women and second in her age group. Brit finished in 58:02, a 6:14 pace over the course that she said was “more challenging than I thought.” She added that she was pleased with her finish, as well she should be!
Nick Webster, running now for the Albany Running Exchange, placed 11th overall and third in the 20-24 age group (the first two finishers in the age group were 1-2 in the race). Web ran 50:49, an average of 5:28 per mile; an excellent effort.
Brit also saw her former teammate, Lisa D’Aniello, who had a strong age-group performance as well. Lisa was fifth in the 25-29 division in 1:06:04, an average of 7:06 per mile for the 9.3-mile course.
Great running, everyone!
A different kind of cross country

Just received this email and these photos from Marist Running Alum (and proud 1,000-meter record holder, 2:28.56 for those keeping score at home) Bryan Quinn. Quinn, now a proud member of NYPD, participated in the Tri-State Tough Mudder down at Raceway Park in Englishtown, N.J.
Here is the email he wrote to go along with these fancy photos:
“I’m writing to inform you that we have taken the Marist Alumni Racing team to the next level! Myself, along with Mike Bamberger, Chris Baum, and Matthew Szymaszek (correct spelling) aka CT, competed in the Tri-State Tough Mudder 12 mile race with 32 obstacles spread throughout. The course was designed by British Special forces and its proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Foundation. IT WAS ABSOLUTE HELL! We ran through mud, jumped in freezing cold water, swam up and under obstacles in the middle of lakes, climbed over walls, and through tunnels. The race took about three hours to complete, but was worth every second of it, especially since I had some fellow Marist Alums by my side! Hope you have a good laugh at the pictures!"
Chillin’ age-group win for Caitlin
Congrats to Marist Running alum Caitlin Garrity of Watertown, Conn., for winning her age group at the Chilly Half Marathon in Newton, Mass., today. Caitlin won the 20-29 division in 1:30:10.4, an average of 6:53 per mile for 13.1 miles.
Great job, Caitlin!
Great job, Caitlin!
More thoughts on regionals
Legendary football coach Bill Parcells was fond of saying, “You are what your record says you are.” Or something like that.
In the sport of cross country, however, there are no “season records” … just meet finishes. And so “you are what your record says you are” takes on a different meaning, and sometimes the outcome is cruel and possibly unfair. However, it is what it is.
These thoughts come one day removed from a stinging regional meet for us. Our body of work indicates that we are not the 20th best team (men) or 23rd best team (women) in our region. But on this day, that is what the record indicates, and we have to live with that.
But, does it have to define a program? Not necessarily. I still believe in the “body of work” theory in that you look at the collective process and results over the course of months and maybe even years.
The NCAA Regional meets can produce some unusual occurrences in cross country. One injury, one illness, one off day from one runner … and chaos ensues. Although I am not a huge follower of our sport, even though I coach it, I am aware that the 2011 regional results produced some highly bizarre occurrences – individually, but especially team-wise.
As programs, all we can do is prepare our absolute best, physically and mentally. After that, there is some element of luck involved.
Again, we are not trying to make excuses. We were not “unlucky.” We were not unprepared. The results did not pan out as we had hoped. Not even close. Maybe it was an anomaly.
Do we really believe that our women’s program, which has made such wonderful strides this season under the expert guidance of Coach Chuck, has not improved at all over the 2010 showing? Of course not! But the regional standing says so. It’s one day, hardly a way to define a program, right?
Do we really believe that our men’s program, featuring some of the finest distance men in the program’s long history, is 10 spots worse than the 2010 team? Of course not! But the regional standing says so. It’s one day, hardly a way to define a program, right?
But in our sport, we do not have team records as a way to put things in a longer view.
The body of work for 2011 cross country – women’s team, men’s team – has been solid and consistent (men) to downright inspiring and hopeful (women). One day puts a damper on it, but it does not have to spoil it.
Here’s hoping we can put a wrap on 2011 XC, at IC4A/ECAC, with a more positive note for our program.
In the sport of cross country, however, there are no “season records” … just meet finishes. And so “you are what your record says you are” takes on a different meaning, and sometimes the outcome is cruel and possibly unfair. However, it is what it is.
These thoughts come one day removed from a stinging regional meet for us. Our body of work indicates that we are not the 20th best team (men) or 23rd best team (women) in our region. But on this day, that is what the record indicates, and we have to live with that.
But, does it have to define a program? Not necessarily. I still believe in the “body of work” theory in that you look at the collective process and results over the course of months and maybe even years.
The NCAA Regional meets can produce some unusual occurrences in cross country. One injury, one illness, one off day from one runner … and chaos ensues. Although I am not a huge follower of our sport, even though I coach it, I am aware that the 2011 regional results produced some highly bizarre occurrences – individually, but especially team-wise.
As programs, all we can do is prepare our absolute best, physically and mentally. After that, there is some element of luck involved.
Again, we are not trying to make excuses. We were not “unlucky.” We were not unprepared. The results did not pan out as we had hoped. Not even close. Maybe it was an anomaly.
Do we really believe that our women’s program, which has made such wonderful strides this season under the expert guidance of Coach Chuck, has not improved at all over the 2010 showing? Of course not! But the regional standing says so. It’s one day, hardly a way to define a program, right?
Do we really believe that our men’s program, featuring some of the finest distance men in the program’s long history, is 10 spots worse than the 2010 team? Of course not! But the regional standing says so. It’s one day, hardly a way to define a program, right?
But in our sport, we do not have team records as a way to put things in a longer view.
The body of work for 2011 cross country – women’s team, men’s team – has been solid and consistent (men) to downright inspiring and hopeful (women). One day puts a damper on it, but it does not have to spoil it.
Here’s hoping we can put a wrap on 2011 XC, at IC4A/ECAC, with a more positive note for our program.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Marist alumni sweep on LI
This according to a text this afternoon from Conor Shelley: He and teammate Pat Duggan made it a Marist Alumni Racing Team sweep at the Rockville Centre 5k and 10k today on Long Island.
Conor won the 5k and Duggan won the 10k. More official results/times when I get them.
Also, a quick shout-out of good luck to Marist Running alums Brittany Burns and Nick Webster, who will be running the Stockadeathon 15km on Sunday in Schenectady.
Conor won the 5k and Duggan won the 10k. More official results/times when I get them.
Also, a quick shout-out of good luck to Marist Running alums Brittany Burns and Nick Webster, who will be running the Stockadeathon 15km on Sunday in Schenectady.
Sub-15:00 video blog
Marist Running Alum Steve Hicks has asked me to share the following video blog with Marist Running Blog readers. This is a really cool idea!
Steve ran 15:08 at Marist for 5,000 meters, and he has not given up hope of breaking 15:00 for the 5km barrier. Steve is a medical school student -- in fact, he is in a rigorous MD/PhD program at Upstate Medical in Syracuse. We are very proud of his accomplishments, and fully support and encourage this zany effort at a sub-15:00.
Here is the link to the initial video post on this blog, one that will be worth following over the coming weeks and months.
Steve ran 15:08 at Marist for 5,000 meters, and he has not given up hope of breaking 15:00 for the 5km barrier. Steve is a medical school student -- in fact, he is in a rigorous MD/PhD program at Upstate Medical in Syracuse. We are very proud of his accomplishments, and fully support and encourage this zany effort at a sub-15:00.
Here is the link to the initial video post on this blog, one that will be worth following over the coming weeks and months.
NCAA Regionals: Women's results
NCAA Northeast Regional
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Audubon Golf Course, Amherst, NY (University at Buffalo host)
Women’s results
Team standings:
1-Syracuse 116, 2. Boston College 127, 3. Cornell 137, 4. Columbia 151, 5. Providence 163, 6. Yale 144, 7. UConn 168, 8. Iona 179, 9. Stony Brook 195, 10. Dartmouth 238, 11. Brown 241, 12. New Hampshire 274, 13. Vermont 345, 14. Harvard 353, 15. Boston University 429, 16. Army 518, 17. Colgate 525, 18. Albany 577, 19. Holy Cross 608, 20. Quinnipiac 631, 21. UMass 639, 22. Binghamton 642, 23. Marist 653, 24. Sacred Heart 679, 25. Buffalo 753, 26. Central Connecticut 738, 27. Fairfield and Rhode Island 774, 29. St. John’s 813, 30. Fordham 825, 31. Canisius 879, 32. Hofstra 967, 33. Niagara 983, 34. Manhattan 1003, 35. Siena 1070, 36. St. Bonaventure 1104. Hartford and Northeastern, INC
Marist finishers, 6,000-meter course
71. Michelle Gaye 22:23.0 (6:01 pace)
91. Katie Messina 22:45.1 (6:07 pace)
151. Briana Crowe 23:46.6 (6:23 pace)
169. Erin Thompson 24:05.2 (6:28 pace)
174. Rebecca Denise 24:11.0 (6:30 pace)
175. Brianna Freestone 24:13.1 (6:30 pace)
177. Erin O’Reilly 24:15.4 (6:31 pace)
We entered today’s meet at a significant disadvantage without our lead runner from MAACs, Addie DiFrancesco. Addie entered the MAAC meet with an upper leg injury. She was able to get through it and she was able to run her best race for us en route to a second-place finish at the conference meet.
Unfortunately, Addie’s injury got worse instead of better, and she had to shut it down and not travel to Buffalo with us for the regional meet. This was a tough hurdle to overcome.
The wind was just as brutal for the women’s race. That swirling wind caused breathing issues for one of our stellar freshmen, Erin Thompson, and that was a big factor in her tough effort. I give Erin a lot of credit; when we saw her a little before the mile mark, she was in agony and it was uncertain in my mind whether she would finish. But she gutted it out for the team, and made us all proud.
Everyone else ran reasonably well for us. Michelle Gaye was our leader once again, and she ran great out there. Katie Messina continued her phenomenal junior season with another strong race. The rest of our ladies did the best they could – Briana Crowe ran another solid regional race, and Becca Denise, Brianna Freestone and Erin O’Reilly worked well together in a pack.
Again, we were hoping to do better as a team. But there were a lot of positives to take out of today, and there is much to look forward to in the coming days, weeks and months with our program.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Audubon Golf Course, Amherst, NY (University at Buffalo host)
Women’s results
Team standings:
1-Syracuse 116, 2. Boston College 127, 3. Cornell 137, 4. Columbia 151, 5. Providence 163, 6. Yale 144, 7. UConn 168, 8. Iona 179, 9. Stony Brook 195, 10. Dartmouth 238, 11. Brown 241, 12. New Hampshire 274, 13. Vermont 345, 14. Harvard 353, 15. Boston University 429, 16. Army 518, 17. Colgate 525, 18. Albany 577, 19. Holy Cross 608, 20. Quinnipiac 631, 21. UMass 639, 22. Binghamton 642, 23. Marist 653, 24. Sacred Heart 679, 25. Buffalo 753, 26. Central Connecticut 738, 27. Fairfield and Rhode Island 774, 29. St. John’s 813, 30. Fordham 825, 31. Canisius 879, 32. Hofstra 967, 33. Niagara 983, 34. Manhattan 1003, 35. Siena 1070, 36. St. Bonaventure 1104. Hartford and Northeastern, INC
Marist finishers, 6,000-meter course
71. Michelle Gaye 22:23.0 (6:01 pace)
91. Katie Messina 22:45.1 (6:07 pace)
151. Briana Crowe 23:46.6 (6:23 pace)
169. Erin Thompson 24:05.2 (6:28 pace)
174. Rebecca Denise 24:11.0 (6:30 pace)
175. Brianna Freestone 24:13.1 (6:30 pace)
177. Erin O’Reilly 24:15.4 (6:31 pace)
We entered today’s meet at a significant disadvantage without our lead runner from MAACs, Addie DiFrancesco. Addie entered the MAAC meet with an upper leg injury. She was able to get through it and she was able to run her best race for us en route to a second-place finish at the conference meet.
Unfortunately, Addie’s injury got worse instead of better, and she had to shut it down and not travel to Buffalo with us for the regional meet. This was a tough hurdle to overcome.
The wind was just as brutal for the women’s race. That swirling wind caused breathing issues for one of our stellar freshmen, Erin Thompson, and that was a big factor in her tough effort. I give Erin a lot of credit; when we saw her a little before the mile mark, she was in agony and it was uncertain in my mind whether she would finish. But she gutted it out for the team, and made us all proud.
Everyone else ran reasonably well for us. Michelle Gaye was our leader once again, and she ran great out there. Katie Messina continued her phenomenal junior season with another strong race. The rest of our ladies did the best they could – Briana Crowe ran another solid regional race, and Becca Denise, Brianna Freestone and Erin O’Reilly worked well together in a pack.
Again, we were hoping to do better as a team. But there were a lot of positives to take out of today, and there is much to look forward to in the coming days, weeks and months with our program.
NCAA Regionals: Men's results
NCAA Northeast Regional
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Audubon Golf Course, Amherst, NY (University at Buffalo host)
Men’s results
Team standings
1-Syracuse 54, 2-Iona 72, 3-Columbia 96, 4-Providence 108, 5-Brown 178, 6-Dartmouth 182, 7-Buffalo 215, 8-Cornell 216, 9-Boston University 292, 10-Connecticut 371, 11-Yale 386, 12-Northeastern 397, 13-Fordham 415, 14-Boston College 418, 15-Harvard 425, 16-Army 436, 17-Central Connecticut 443, 18-Albany 444, 19-UMass 506, 20-Marist 523, 21-New Hampshire 559, 22. Binghamton 561, 23. Vermont 584, 24. Stony Brook 657, 25. Fairfield 710, 26. Colgate and Hofstra 718, 28. Canisius 869, 29. Manhattan 887, 30. Siena 922, 31. Quinnipiac 956, 32. Niagara 971, 33. St. Bonaventure 1052. Sacred Heart, Maine, Wagner, LIU, Holy Cross, Hartford INC
Marist finishers, 10,000-meter course
54. Arquimedes DelaCruz 32:44.8 (5:17 pace)
72. Will Griffin 33:00.6 (5:19 pace)
117. Ken Walshak 33:42.9 (5:26 pace)
130. Matt Flint 33:54.3 (5:28 pace)
170. Tom Lipari 34:45.6 (5:36 pace)
184. Brian Townsend 35:09.9 (5:40 pace)
194. Justin Tampellini 35:29.0 (5:43 pace)
To say this meet was incredibly disappointing would be an understatement. We had such high hopes entering this meet, and this group of four seniors running in this meet have meant so much to this program for so long. To finish as poorly – as individuals and as a team – really stings.
Why? Why did it happen?
The conditions were very difficult. The wind was strong and extreme. The course was wide open, and the wind was a definite factor. But of course, it was a factor for all 39 teams entered in the race.
We felt our preparation was sound. We have had a solid season, and we were coming off a very solid performance two weeks’ prior at MAACs. So what happened? Again, there are no easy answers; in fact, no answers at all.
Fortunately, in our sport and in life, where there is another starting line there is another opportunity. Where there is another starting line, there is always hope for better days.
And so we look ahead to Saturday at our home away from home, Van Cortlandt Park, for the IC4As. Our whole team will be together again, and we will hope to end XC 2011 in a lot better form than today’s meet went.
Another starting line, more hope for success. In front of family, friends, alums, etc. Today’s meet hurts, that’s for sure. But such is life.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Audubon Golf Course, Amherst, NY (University at Buffalo host)
Men’s results
Team standings
1-Syracuse 54, 2-Iona 72, 3-Columbia 96, 4-Providence 108, 5-Brown 178, 6-Dartmouth 182, 7-Buffalo 215, 8-Cornell 216, 9-Boston University 292, 10-Connecticut 371, 11-Yale 386, 12-Northeastern 397, 13-Fordham 415, 14-Boston College 418, 15-Harvard 425, 16-Army 436, 17-Central Connecticut 443, 18-Albany 444, 19-UMass 506, 20-Marist 523, 21-New Hampshire 559, 22. Binghamton 561, 23. Vermont 584, 24. Stony Brook 657, 25. Fairfield 710, 26. Colgate and Hofstra 718, 28. Canisius 869, 29. Manhattan 887, 30. Siena 922, 31. Quinnipiac 956, 32. Niagara 971, 33. St. Bonaventure 1052. Sacred Heart, Maine, Wagner, LIU, Holy Cross, Hartford INC
Marist finishers, 10,000-meter course
54. Arquimedes DelaCruz 32:44.8 (5:17 pace)
72. Will Griffin 33:00.6 (5:19 pace)
117. Ken Walshak 33:42.9 (5:26 pace)
130. Matt Flint 33:54.3 (5:28 pace)
170. Tom Lipari 34:45.6 (5:36 pace)
184. Brian Townsend 35:09.9 (5:40 pace)
194. Justin Tampellini 35:29.0 (5:43 pace)
To say this meet was incredibly disappointing would be an understatement. We had such high hopes entering this meet, and this group of four seniors running in this meet have meant so much to this program for so long. To finish as poorly – as individuals and as a team – really stings.
Why? Why did it happen?
The conditions were very difficult. The wind was strong and extreme. The course was wide open, and the wind was a definite factor. But of course, it was a factor for all 39 teams entered in the race.
We felt our preparation was sound. We have had a solid season, and we were coming off a very solid performance two weeks’ prior at MAACs. So what happened? Again, there are no easy answers; in fact, no answers at all.
Fortunately, in our sport and in life, where there is another starting line there is another opportunity. Where there is another starting line, there is always hope for better days.
And so we look ahead to Saturday at our home away from home, Van Cortlandt Park, for the IC4As. Our whole team will be together again, and we will hope to end XC 2011 in a lot better form than today’s meet went.
Another starting line, more hope for success. In front of family, friends, alums, etc. Today’s meet hurts, that’s for sure. But such is life.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Snow kidding ...
Well, what do you expect?
It's Buffalo. It's mid-November. It snows.
We just got back from previewing the course, and we were greeted by the proverbial "wintry mix" of snow, sleet and freezing rain. But it really was not that bad at all. It was not accumulating snow and it wasn't terribly cold.
And the weather on Saturday is calling for sunny and windy conditions and temperatures near 50.
We'll take it.
The race route is on a golf course, and it is flat. Very flat. It is well marked, with every kilometer and every mile noted.
The folks here at UBuffalo have been very nice and very accommodating. So far, so good.
It's Buffalo. It's mid-November. It snows.
We just got back from previewing the course, and we were greeted by the proverbial "wintry mix" of snow, sleet and freezing rain. But it really was not that bad at all. It was not accumulating snow and it wasn't terribly cold.
And the weather on Saturday is calling for sunny and windy conditions and temperatures near 50.
We'll take it.
The race route is on a golf course, and it is flat. Very flat. It is well marked, with every kilometer and every mile noted.
The folks here at UBuffalo have been very nice and very accommodating. So far, so good.
Video from Bowdoin Park
Check out this video taken from last Friday's Section 1 State Qualifier at Bowdoin Park.
It is of Marist Running Alum Justin Harris, a good friend of our program and former school record holder in the steeplechase. Jut is now a professional triathlete and assistant XC coach at SUNY New Paltz. He was at Bowdoin recruiting, and it was good to catch up with him down there.
In this video, he discusses his past and present athletic career -- he had a wonderful running career at both John Jay High School and Marist -- as well as his efforts to recruit athletes to the D3 program at SUNY.
Good stuff.
It is of Marist Running Alum Justin Harris, a good friend of our program and former school record holder in the steeplechase. Jut is now a professional triathlete and assistant XC coach at SUNY New Paltz. He was at Bowdoin recruiting, and it was good to catch up with him down there.
In this video, he discusses his past and present athletic career -- he had a wonderful running career at both John Jay High School and Marist -- as well as his efforts to recruit athletes to the D3 program at SUNY.
Good stuff.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Shufflin’ off …
We are about to head to Buffalo for the NCAA Regional meet on Saturday. Our travel plans are to leave today, arrive in Buffalo late tonight, and check out the course on Friday.
Race times Saturday: noon for men; 1:15 p.m. for women.
In my 21 years of coaching (and 30 years as a mid-Hudson Valley resident), I have never once ventured to Buffalo, so I am looking forward to the trip. Especially since no blizzards are in the forecast (that could change, of course).
More from western New York in the coming days …
Race times Saturday: noon for men; 1:15 p.m. for women.
In my 21 years of coaching (and 30 years as a mid-Hudson Valley resident), I have never once ventured to Buffalo, so I am looking forward to the trip. Especially since no blizzards are in the forecast (that could change, of course).
More from western New York in the coming days …
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Walsh’s race report
Below is a full NYC Marathon race report from Matt Walsh. A few notes from his old coach:
--As I read this, it was gratifying to note all the Marist support for him along the course and at the finish. Great stuff!
--It is important to note that, had their been a “Matthew Walsh” division, our guy would have rocked it once again (as he did at Philly three years ago). The two other “Matthew Walsh” entrants in the race ran times north of 5 hours. Useless information? Perhaps …
--If you were to note Walsh’s splits, his slowest miles were the first few miles, which is an excellent strategy. While his final few miles were a bit slower than his belly-of-the-race pace, it was still faster than his first 5km pace. So it was a nicely executed race on a big-city course that is considered challenging.
Here’s the race report.
It was a pleasant surprise to find that we would have a pack of local guys running from the onset. I knew I would be running with my friend Sal Nastasi and Schab, but we had a few other guys with us as we traversed the bridge into Brooklyn. At around the apex of the bridge, we ran into our old friend Scotty La, who was really happy to see us and wished us well.
It continued to be 5 of us until Sal's buddy from college, Brian Cronin, had a calf explosion (he was hurt coming in) around 8k. Shortly thereafter our friend Chris Koegel (his sister was a Marist Soccer player) decided for the sake of his race that he was going to back off the sub-6:10 pace. Sal and I felt great through Brooklyn and Queens, running side by side, and Schab was tucked in right behind us. Around the first bridge in Queens was where we saw the most enthusiastic fan of the day - Chris Camp.
I think we lost Schab a little after the 59th Street Bridge, where we saw P-Diddy. At this point I felt great, I had a total runner’s high, and Sal and I were urging one another to stay in control. I kept up with the water, and my form felt great. Other notable Marist alums cheering were John Balsamo and Mark Fernandez, who I smiled and waved at. Once the crowds fizzled around mile 18, Sal and I said we were going to work together and ride the rest of the race out. Nothing hurt, all systems were running well.
My first "uh-oh" thought was coming into the Bronx as I pulled out my last Gu. We didn't attack the hill, but suddenly I had no quads. I held pace, but I don't really remember this borough all that much. Coming back onto 5th, I caught up to Sal (who had maybe 10m on me) but this was short lived as I couldn't stride out. He put 2 minutes on me in the last 10k.
At this point, my GPS watch was not really working (I think it lost accuracy on the 59th, truth be told) so what was once a godsend in keeping me on pace was now disheartening as I thought I was running minutes slower than I actually was. It didn't really matter, though, because I couldn't really see it anymore and I stopped bothering to check. Also, my mind was playing tricks on me - I saw the Empire State Building and thought I was approaching from the south (!) for some reason, which was a huge burden to carry until I realized the park was much closer than (falsely) anticipated.
I saw my father right before I entered the park and just tried to stay smooth and strong. This is where I thought much of what you wrote to me about standing tall and proud - although any fans (Conor, Laura, Shane, Curtis, Colin) would tell you that my eyes were anything but happy or proud. (It should be noted that when Schab passed these same fans, he smiled and waved). I passed the water stations without taking any more water because I physically wasn't bonking and in fact I stopped foaming, but my quads were rocks.
The nicest thing the NYRR ever did was put up the "mile to go" sign right after 25 as it made counting down the last 1k or so much easier. I actually had somewhat of a kick, as I put time on a rival LI runner in the last 400 meters which made me exceptionally happy.
Sal wound up running 2:41 but paid the price physically with muscle spasms. I was pretty good afterwards, but that was short lived as intestinal issues plagued me until around 5 p.m. Curtis and Colin were good sports though, and hung out with me and a few other friends while I was in the hurt locker; they were repaid by being treated to dinner by my friends sister and having a posh Upper East Side apartment to watch the Giants win in while drinking free beer. So it worked out for them!
--As I read this, it was gratifying to note all the Marist support for him along the course and at the finish. Great stuff!
--It is important to note that, had their been a “Matthew Walsh” division, our guy would have rocked it once again (as he did at Philly three years ago). The two other “Matthew Walsh” entrants in the race ran times north of 5 hours. Useless information? Perhaps …
--If you were to note Walsh’s splits, his slowest miles were the first few miles, which is an excellent strategy. While his final few miles were a bit slower than his belly-of-the-race pace, it was still faster than his first 5km pace. So it was a nicely executed race on a big-city course that is considered challenging.
Here’s the race report.
It was a pleasant surprise to find that we would have a pack of local guys running from the onset. I knew I would be running with my friend Sal Nastasi and Schab, but we had a few other guys with us as we traversed the bridge into Brooklyn. At around the apex of the bridge, we ran into our old friend Scotty La, who was really happy to see us and wished us well.
It continued to be 5 of us until Sal's buddy from college, Brian Cronin, had a calf explosion (he was hurt coming in) around 8k. Shortly thereafter our friend Chris Koegel (his sister was a Marist Soccer player) decided for the sake of his race that he was going to back off the sub-6:10 pace. Sal and I felt great through Brooklyn and Queens, running side by side, and Schab was tucked in right behind us. Around the first bridge in Queens was where we saw the most enthusiastic fan of the day - Chris Camp.
I think we lost Schab a little after the 59th Street Bridge, where we saw P-Diddy. At this point I felt great, I had a total runner’s high, and Sal and I were urging one another to stay in control. I kept up with the water, and my form felt great. Other notable Marist alums cheering were John Balsamo and Mark Fernandez, who I smiled and waved at. Once the crowds fizzled around mile 18, Sal and I said we were going to work together and ride the rest of the race out. Nothing hurt, all systems were running well.
My first "uh-oh" thought was coming into the Bronx as I pulled out my last Gu. We didn't attack the hill, but suddenly I had no quads. I held pace, but I don't really remember this borough all that much. Coming back onto 5th, I caught up to Sal (who had maybe 10m on me) but this was short lived as I couldn't stride out. He put 2 minutes on me in the last 10k.
At this point, my GPS watch was not really working (I think it lost accuracy on the 59th, truth be told) so what was once a godsend in keeping me on pace was now disheartening as I thought I was running minutes slower than I actually was. It didn't really matter, though, because I couldn't really see it anymore and I stopped bothering to check. Also, my mind was playing tricks on me - I saw the Empire State Building and thought I was approaching from the south (!) for some reason, which was a huge burden to carry until I realized the park was much closer than (falsely) anticipated.
I saw my father right before I entered the park and just tried to stay smooth and strong. This is where I thought much of what you wrote to me about standing tall and proud - although any fans (Conor, Laura, Shane, Curtis, Colin) would tell you that my eyes were anything but happy or proud. (It should be noted that when Schab passed these same fans, he smiled and waved). I passed the water stations without taking any more water because I physically wasn't bonking and in fact I stopped foaming, but my quads were rocks.
The nicest thing the NYRR ever did was put up the "mile to go" sign right after 25 as it made counting down the last 1k or so much easier. I actually had somewhat of a kick, as I put time on a rival LI runner in the last 400 meters which made me exceptionally happy.
Sal wound up running 2:41 but paid the price physically with muscle spasms. I was pretty good afterwards, but that was short lived as intestinal issues plagued me until around 5 p.m. Curtis and Colin were good sports though, and hung out with me and a few other friends while I was in the hurt locker; they were repaid by being treated to dinner by my friends sister and having a posh Upper East Side apartment to watch the Giants win in while drinking free beer. So it worked out for them!
Schab on the Today Show!
Thanks to Greg Salamone for pointing out to me that Marist Running Alum Mike Schab was on the Today Show this morning, discussing his NYC Marathon.
I texted Schab, chiding him on not letting me know (side note: I was preparing for/teaching class at the time, so it would not have mattered), but he pointed out that it was a spur of the moment decision on the show’s part.
No worries. Glad that Schabby was able to share the story of his great race with the world.
I texted Schab, chiding him on not letting me know (side note: I was preparing for/teaching class at the time, so it would not have mattered), but he pointed out that it was a spur of the moment decision on the show’s part.
No worries. Glad that Schabby was able to share the story of his great race with the world.
Smokin’ Joe
Today we mourn the loss of boxing legend Joe Frazier, who died of cancer at 67. “Smokin Joe” was one of the athletic giants of my childhood. Back in the 1970s, heavyweight boxing was a BIG DEAL and being Heavyweight Champion was about the most important individual title in sports.
Smokin’ Joe and Muhammad Ali had a great and bitter rivalry over the years. Frazier always lived in the shadow of the more bombastic Ali. But as Dave Anderson points out in his excellent New York Times column today, behind the bluster one could make the argument that Frazier was the better boxer in his prime.
Frazier was known for his intense work ethic, his relentless style in the ring and his humility outside the ring. As runners and as people, these are admirable qualities. Fortunately, Smokin Joe and Ali made up over the years.
Both men were part of the soundtrack of my youth; their frailty and mortality remind us all of the relentless march of time.
Smokin’ Joe and Muhammad Ali had a great and bitter rivalry over the years. Frazier always lived in the shadow of the more bombastic Ali. But as Dave Anderson points out in his excellent New York Times column today, behind the bluster one could make the argument that Frazier was the better boxer in his prime.
Frazier was known for his intense work ethic, his relentless style in the ring and his humility outside the ring. As runners and as people, these are admirable qualities. Fortunately, Smokin Joe and Ali made up over the years.
Both men were part of the soundtrack of my youth; their frailty and mortality remind us all of the relentless march of time.
Election Day
Today is Election Day. It is my sincere hope that all of you reading this voted or will vote. Even college students can and should vote – even if it means absentee ballots. Oftentimes, those ballots are the decision-makers in close elections!
Back when I used to work at Dutchess County’s Finest Daily Newspaper, Election Day was (and probably still is) a BIG NIGHT. I always enjoyed it because there was FREE FOOD available later in the evening.
One of my former colleagues there pointed out that, most years, Election Day weather is unseasonably warm and nice. Because he was a day-shifter who had to work the night shift on Election Day, his routine would be to play 9 holes of golf during the day before work. He always reported great golfing weather – odd for November in the Northeast.
Today is no exception, as it is sunny and mild. Nice. We’ll take it.
Back when I used to work at Dutchess County’s Finest Daily Newspaper, Election Day was (and probably still is) a BIG NIGHT. I always enjoyed it because there was FREE FOOD available later in the evening.
One of my former colleagues there pointed out that, most years, Election Day weather is unseasonably warm and nice. Because he was a day-shifter who had to work the night shift on Election Day, his routine would be to play 9 holes of golf during the day before work. He always reported great golfing weather – odd for November in the Northeast.
Today is no exception, as it is sunny and mild. Nice. We’ll take it.
Monday, November 7, 2011
NYC in pictures

Thanks to Mid-Hudson Road Runners Club photographer Bob Kopac for snapping this shot of Mike Schab. It appears to be in the later stages of the race.
And thanks to team member Kathryn Sheehan for capturing Matt Walsh in a comfortable post-race pose.
Also, sorry for the omission: Marist Running Alum Charlie Williams finished in a strong time of 3:17:32, and vows to aim for a Boston qualifier his next time around. Charlie also ran into my Junk Yard Dogs friends on the starting line -- out of 47,000 runners, amazing that they would recognize a Marist Alumni jersey in the crowd.
Take your shoes off!
Today, on an unseasonably warm early November day, several men did a workout that I call "extended strides" on North Field. As a perfect follow-up to a recent post, many men took their shoes off and darted through the plush green grass barefoot.
It was quite a sight to see, and also enlightening as a coach. Watching guys run barefoot really accentuated their running form -- the good and the bad.
This was one of the final times this would be possible, so it was a great opportunity for the guys.
It was quite a sight to see, and also enlightening as a coach. Watching guys run barefoot really accentuated their running form -- the good and the bad.
This was one of the final times this would be possible, so it was a great opportunity for the guys.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Quick NYC results
Congrats on the following in the Marist Running universe who ran NYC today:
Matt Walsh, 2:43:35
Mike Schab, 2:47:30
Anthony Ferreri, 2:59:10
Brian Sheehan, 3:09:28
Walsh and Schab are alums of the program.
Ferreri is my friend and morning run partner. Today's time is a personal-best for him.
Brian Sheehan is Kathryn Sheehan's dad, and my new hero. One year removed from knee surgery, Mr. Sheehan runs 3:09:28, and does it in a NEGATIVE SPLIT! Nicely done!!!
These times are unofficial and may be updated later.
More details, results and commentary when I get more information ...
Matt Walsh, 2:43:35
Mike Schab, 2:47:30
Anthony Ferreri, 2:59:10
Brian Sheehan, 3:09:28
Walsh and Schab are alums of the program.
Ferreri is my friend and morning run partner. Today's time is a personal-best for him.
Brian Sheehan is Kathryn Sheehan's dad, and my new hero. One year removed from knee surgery, Mr. Sheehan runs 3:09:28, and does it in a NEGATIVE SPLIT! Nicely done!!!
These times are unofficial and may be updated later.
More details, results and commentary when I get more information ...
Barefoot link from Schanz
Sorry to pummel you with links ... but I like to read, and hopefully you do too.
Thanks to Schanz for sending me this link to a New York Times Magazine article about barefoot/minimalist running by Christopher McDougall, author of the book "Born to Run." This article is not a rehashing of that book but rather a further exploration into the science of minimalist running. It's actually quite interesting and a good read.
Here at Marist, we have always dabbled in the minimalist thing. Back in the 1980s, my various coaches had us doing barefoot strides surreptitiously on golf courses we were not supposed to be using for running. I recall it feeling weird but exhilarating at the same time. Fast forward about 20 years, and of course we were exposed to the barefoot thing as two Rauccis have come through our program.
My feelings on the Minimalist Movement are mixed. I understand the science, but the reality is a bit more harsh. As the article points out, just because you take your shoes off or wear the Vibram Five Fingers or Nike Frees that does not instantaneously mean you will start running "naturally" with the correct footfall. In fact, if you continue to heel-strike plod like me, and you are wearing minimalist shoes ... you will get hurt.
Fortunately here at Marist, we have North Field, an excellent training ground for the Minimalist Movement. Unfortunately, being November, North Field is well on its way to becoming a grassy tundra.
Anyway, enjoy the article. I will post NYC Marathon updates as I can (will be traveling to New Jersey to visit family today, and Internet access might be spotty).
Enjoy the nice weather ... one week after the not-so-nice weather.
Thanks to Schanz for sending me this link to a New York Times Magazine article about barefoot/minimalist running by Christopher McDougall, author of the book "Born to Run." This article is not a rehashing of that book but rather a further exploration into the science of minimalist running. It's actually quite interesting and a good read.
Here at Marist, we have always dabbled in the minimalist thing. Back in the 1980s, my various coaches had us doing barefoot strides surreptitiously on golf courses we were not supposed to be using for running. I recall it feeling weird but exhilarating at the same time. Fast forward about 20 years, and of course we were exposed to the barefoot thing as two Rauccis have come through our program.
My feelings on the Minimalist Movement are mixed. I understand the science, but the reality is a bit more harsh. As the article points out, just because you take your shoes off or wear the Vibram Five Fingers or Nike Frees that does not instantaneously mean you will start running "naturally" with the correct footfall. In fact, if you continue to heel-strike plod like me, and you are wearing minimalist shoes ... you will get hurt.
Fortunately here at Marist, we have North Field, an excellent training ground for the Minimalist Movement. Unfortunately, being November, North Field is well on its way to becoming a grassy tundra.
Anyway, enjoy the article. I will post NYC Marathon updates as I can (will be traveling to New Jersey to visit family today, and Internet access might be spotty).
Enjoy the nice weather ... one week after the not-so-nice weather.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Feeling their pain
I was down at Bowdoin Park for the Section 1 state qualifier on Friday afternoon. It was a great day at the park -- a bit windy and chilly, but what the heck for early November. There are a lot of very good runners in Section 1, and I was there to do some recruiting.
At this meet, and at another state qualifying meet on Long Island, two alumni of our program who are now high school coaches had disappointing days as their respective teams did not qualify for the state championship meet. In both cases, they were hopeful to do just that, and it did not work out.
When I go to these meets in a recruiting capacity, I am not there to "root" for anyone. I'm just checking things out. But I could not help but hope for my guy's team to win the meet. Inside, I was pulling for him and his squad.
Even though these guys are now in their 30s and have now established a track record of coaching success, I still consider them "my boys" and I want the best for them. It is gratifying to see them -- and many other Marist Running Alums -- coaching in the high school ranks.
At this meet, and at another state qualifying meet on Long Island, two alumni of our program who are now high school coaches had disappointing days as their respective teams did not qualify for the state championship meet. In both cases, they were hopeful to do just that, and it did not work out.
When I go to these meets in a recruiting capacity, I am not there to "root" for anyone. I'm just checking things out. But I could not help but hope for my guy's team to win the meet. Inside, I was pulling for him and his squad.
Even though these guys are now in their 30s and have now established a track record of coaching success, I still consider them "my boys" and I want the best for them. It is gratifying to see them -- and many other Marist Running Alums -- coaching in the high school ranks.
Curtis is famous
I do not get Runner's World Magazine, but apparently our very own Curtis Jensen's picture was in there. I guess there was a story about a Lehigh runner, and they found an old photo in which Curtis is going stride-for-stride with him. Pretty cool.
Even though Curtis is no longer a member of our team, he is still a part of the Marist Running family.
And now he's FAMOUS!
Thanks to Marist Running Alum Alex Emerel for emailing me this photo.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Excellent article on women's running
Thanks to Marist Running Alum Colin Frederickson for sending me the link to this excellent article on about the rapid ascent of female distance running.
The author of this article, Katie Baker, is an excellent writer whose work C-Fred and I both enjoy on Her topic is relevant, with Sunday being the NYC Marathon. And she does a great job of reporting and writing on this complex topic.
You can crunch numbers any way you want, but the bottom line is this: Women's running has come a long way in a short generation, and it's great to see.
Best of luck to all those running NYC on Sunday ... including Marist Running Alums Walsh and Schab.
The author of this article, Katie Baker, is an excellent writer whose work C-Fred and I both enjoy on Her topic is relevant, with Sunday being the NYC Marathon. And she does a great job of reporting and writing on this complex topic.
You can crunch numbers any way you want, but the bottom line is this: Women's running has come a long way in a short generation, and it's great to see.
Best of luck to all those running NYC on Sunday ... including Marist Running Alums Walsh and Schab.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Will Griffin wins MAAC award
Congratulations to senior team captain Will Griffin for winning the MAAC Student-Athlete of the Week for the week ending Oct. 31. The link to the story is posted here.
It has been stated many times here and elsewhere, but I will repeat it: The on-course, 1-2 leadership of Will and Matt Flint is something that I have appreciated, cherished and never taken for granted.
Extending that further, I am gratified that our four senior captains -- Will, Matt, Tommy Lipari and Brian Townsend -- will be on-site and on-course with us at the NCAA Regionals in Buffalo next week. It is a fitting way for this class to go out, together at Regionals and then at IC4As.
Extending that even further, the rest of our senior class members -- Ryan Brown, Ryan Fitzsimons, Kyle Havard, Luke Shane -- have been great team leaders throughout this XC season.
It is my sincere hope that this group goes out with strong performances -- at Regionals for the captains, and at IC4As for the entire squad.
Again, congrats to Will on the MAAC award this week.
It has been stated many times here and elsewhere, but I will repeat it: The on-course, 1-2 leadership of Will and Matt Flint is something that I have appreciated, cherished and never taken for granted.
Extending that further, I am gratified that our four senior captains -- Will, Matt, Tommy Lipari and Brian Townsend -- will be on-site and on-course with us at the NCAA Regionals in Buffalo next week. It is a fitting way for this class to go out, together at Regionals and then at IC4As.
Extending that even further, the rest of our senior class members -- Ryan Brown, Ryan Fitzsimons, Kyle Havard, Luke Shane -- have been great team leaders throughout this XC season.
It is my sincere hope that this group goes out with strong performances -- at Regionals for the captains, and at IC4As for the entire squad.
Again, congrats to Will on the MAAC award this week.
You can't make this stuff up
From the Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction file, I present to you the following links to articles that in varying degrees are truly hard to believe:
1. Thanks to Kelley Gould for sending me this Fox News link to an article from a few years ago about the apparently legitimate dangers of texting and walking in London, as a follow-up to my previous post on the subject. If someone else were to have sent me this link, I honestly would have thought this was a National Lampoon or The Onion type spoof. Apparently, this is a legitimate story, about padded lampposts. Hmm.
2. This morning, as my wife was checking her Facebook, she showed me a link to a truly unbelievable, surreal and downright creepy article that was posted by a former Poughkeepsie Journal colleague of mine, David Boroff, who now works for the New York Daily News. The immediate instinct is to think this is a photo-shop type hoax ... but it was published in the Daily News (and perhaps elsewhere). David said it was by far the most bizarre and unusual story he has ever written. Uh, yeah.
1. Thanks to Kelley Gould for sending me this Fox News link to an article from a few years ago about the apparently legitimate dangers of texting and walking in London, as a follow-up to my previous post on the subject. If someone else were to have sent me this link, I honestly would have thought this was a National Lampoon or The Onion type spoof. Apparently, this is a legitimate story, about padded lampposts. Hmm.
2. This morning, as my wife was checking her Facebook, she showed me a link to a truly unbelievable, surreal and downright creepy article that was posted by a former Poughkeepsie Journal colleague of mine, David Boroff, who now works for the New York Daily News. The immediate instinct is to think this is a photo-shop type hoax ... but it was published in the Daily News (and perhaps elsewhere). David said it was by far the most bizarre and unusual story he has ever written. Uh, yeah.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Makin’ hay
As we enter our championship season for cross country in the month of November, the tone of our training shifts to sharpening. Workouts and mileage start to get shorter – much like the daylight hours. It is by far our briefest phase of training.
The team is split into two distinct training patterns right now: Those racing NCAA Regionals in Buffalo are starting their descent. After a few quality workouts this week, it’s cruising time till race time. Those racing IC4A/ECAC at Van Cortlandt the week after have a pretty normal week in terms of volume and intensity, before ramping it down to the final finish line of the season.
This week has and will feature some final quality workouts in which the intensity and teamwork is really fun and cool to see. We are still “makin’ hay.” But in general, as the saying goes, “the hay is in the barn;” the major work is done, as we are getting ready to approach our final championships in the next few weeks.
The team is split into two distinct training patterns right now: Those racing NCAA Regionals in Buffalo are starting their descent. After a few quality workouts this week, it’s cruising time till race time. Those racing IC4A/ECAC at Van Cortlandt the week after have a pretty normal week in terms of volume and intensity, before ramping it down to the final finish line of the season.
This week has and will feature some final quality workouts in which the intensity and teamwork is really fun and cool to see. We are still “makin’ hay.” But in general, as the saying goes, “the hay is in the barn;” the major work is done, as we are getting ready to approach our final championships in the next few weeks.
During this fall semester, I have been spending a lot more time walking around our beautiful Poughkeepsie campus – for a variety of reasons:
1. I teach two classes, one in Donnelly and the other in Lowell Thomas.
2. I currently do not have an office, and so I am poaching whatever computer space I can get – Donnelly, Library, LT.
3. There are frequent visits to the campus center, walking to admissions to work on all things recruiting.
Here’s an unscientific observation: It’s dangerous out there on those sidewalks!
No worries, there are no motorized vehicles on the pedestrian pathways of Marist College. Rather, there are extremely distracted students – men and women alike – who are walking, usually with their heads down and focused on their cell phones or Blackberries or whatever.
That’s right. I’m talking about the latest scourge of our times: The dangers of texting and walking.
A few weeks ago, while rounding a corner in the McCann Center, I was almost taken out and flattened at full speed by a group of women’s lacrosse players exiting a team meeting and eagerly getting caught up with whatever they needed to get caught up with on their phones. And trust me, this is by no means an indictment of the fine athletes on that team, which is coached by a good friend of the program in Jess O’Brien.
It could well have been the fine men and women of our program.
Heck, after today’s excellent 1km repeat workout at Bowdoin Park, our very own Quimes was seen cooling down with cell phone in hand! Was he texting and jogging? Apparently yes!
So, be careful out there, while navigating your way through our lovely campus.
1. I teach two classes, one in Donnelly and the other in Lowell Thomas.
2. I currently do not have an office, and so I am poaching whatever computer space I can get – Donnelly, Library, LT.
3. There are frequent visits to the campus center, walking to admissions to work on all things recruiting.
Here’s an unscientific observation: It’s dangerous out there on those sidewalks!
No worries, there are no motorized vehicles on the pedestrian pathways of Marist College. Rather, there are extremely distracted students – men and women alike – who are walking, usually with their heads down and focused on their cell phones or Blackberries or whatever.
That’s right. I’m talking about the latest scourge of our times: The dangers of texting and walking.
A few weeks ago, while rounding a corner in the McCann Center, I was almost taken out and flattened at full speed by a group of women’s lacrosse players exiting a team meeting and eagerly getting caught up with whatever they needed to get caught up with on their phones. And trust me, this is by no means an indictment of the fine athletes on that team, which is coached by a good friend of the program in Jess O’Brien.
It could well have been the fine men and women of our program.
Heck, after today’s excellent 1km repeat workout at Bowdoin Park, our very own Quimes was seen cooling down with cell phone in hand! Was he texting and jogging? Apparently yes!
So, be careful out there, while navigating your way through our lovely campus.
Steel cage
Our new launching point for on-campus practice has been Racquetball Court #1 at the back end of the McCann Recreation Center. As senior Luke Shane and I were discussing at practice today, the racquetball court has a surreal feel to it as a team meeting venue.
For one, it’s an echo chamber. Secondly, the fluorescent lighting is quite bizarre. But mostly … IT’S A RACQUETBALL COURT!
Luke mentioned that, given the inhabitants (especially on the men’s distance team), perhaps PADDED WALLS would be an appropriate accessory for us. It does get rather loud and echo-ey in there, that’s for sure. And given the aforementioned men’s distance team’s penchant for horseplay (I was gonna say something else …) behavior, perhaps a STEEL CAGE would be a more appropriate venue.
You know. Like WWE championship wrestling. Or something.
For one, it’s an echo chamber. Secondly, the fluorescent lighting is quite bizarre. But mostly … IT’S A RACQUETBALL COURT!
Luke mentioned that, given the inhabitants (especially on the men’s distance team), perhaps PADDED WALLS would be an appropriate accessory for us. It does get rather loud and echo-ey in there, that’s for sure. And given the aforementioned men’s distance team’s penchant for horseplay (I was gonna say something else …) behavior, perhaps a STEEL CAGE would be a more appropriate venue.
You know. Like WWE championship wrestling. Or something.
Snow-tober remembered
We haven’t really discussed the bizarre Halloween weekend snowstorm that crippled the Northeast. My elderly parents in northern New Jersey are still without power – no worries, they are doing fine thanks to a very safe natural gas faux fireplace and a very generous neighbor (who has power), who has allowed them use of a big generator. The problem there is they are the only ones on the street without power, so it could be a while for them!
At home, we were fortunate to only lose power for about 15 minutes. Others in our local family were not so lucky, and so our home became a “family flop house” of sorts for a few days, which was actually a lot of fun! We did lose Internet, cable and phone service for two days. In the overall scheme of things, this was mildly annoying.
On our Monday morning jog, Fast Tony and I had an interesting conversation. He had lost power at his home across town, but he was unconcerned since he has a wood-burning stove. I told him of our situation, and I said: “I’d rather have power than the Internet.” He disagreed, saying he would rather be without power but with some form of the Internet. Interesting discussion.
The historic weather had little impact on our team’s training. Our athletes were able to get the required mileage in over the weekend.
The two local college XC meets were impacted a bit on Saturday. Coach Horton reported that the SUNYACs at Bowdoin Park got off unscathed until the awards ceremony began … not a bad deal. By the way, Terry deserves huge kudos for setting up the excellent 8km and 6km courses used at SUNYACs, which was hosted by our friends at SUNY New Paltz.
The Liberty League, hosted by Vassar, was not as lucky. From what I heard, the snow was a definite factor in that meet over at the Farm. Congrats to our crosstown friends as the Vassar men got second place.
The unusual and unwelcome early winter weather in mid-fall gave us a small glimpse into what life will be like around here in a few months. I’d rather wait till January and February to deal with the elements, but we deal with them as we must.
At home, we were fortunate to only lose power for about 15 minutes. Others in our local family were not so lucky, and so our home became a “family flop house” of sorts for a few days, which was actually a lot of fun! We did lose Internet, cable and phone service for two days. In the overall scheme of things, this was mildly annoying.
On our Monday morning jog, Fast Tony and I had an interesting conversation. He had lost power at his home across town, but he was unconcerned since he has a wood-burning stove. I told him of our situation, and I said: “I’d rather have power than the Internet.” He disagreed, saying he would rather be without power but with some form of the Internet. Interesting discussion.
The historic weather had little impact on our team’s training. Our athletes were able to get the required mileage in over the weekend.
The two local college XC meets were impacted a bit on Saturday. Coach Horton reported that the SUNYACs at Bowdoin Park got off unscathed until the awards ceremony began … not a bad deal. By the way, Terry deserves huge kudos for setting up the excellent 8km and 6km courses used at SUNYACs, which was hosted by our friends at SUNY New Paltz.
The Liberty League, hosted by Vassar, was not as lucky. From what I heard, the snow was a definite factor in that meet over at the Farm. Congrats to our crosstown friends as the Vassar men got second place.
The unusual and unwelcome early winter weather in mid-fall gave us a small glimpse into what life will be like around here in a few months. I’d rather wait till January and February to deal with the elements, but we deal with them as we must.
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