Sunday, August 21, 2016

Preseason 2016: Birthday dinner in New Paltz

I was able to sneak away from preseason activities and duties for a few hours to meet up with my oldest brother, his family and my family for a group birthday dinner in New Paltz on Saturday night. He and his family drove up from New Jersey to spend the day in the quaint Ulster County village that we know so well for its world-class running venues on which we train frequently. My older brother is OLD, having just turned 60. August is a big birthday month in our family, with my nephew (my brother's son) celebrating his 27th earlier this month, and with my oldest son Joey turning 17 (17!) later this week, and then bringing up the rear is this old coach, turning 52 on the final day of the month. Afterwards, we took this rather questionable selfie -- my wife was miffed at Joey (!) spoiling the shot with his less-than-thrilled look. OK!

1 comment:

Stalwart said...

Gee, I'm sorry that I missed it -- Belated, "offoctave", Happy Birthday!