Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tracking the vote

"School budget vote" is a phrase that evokes many varying emotions. Most of them negative.

In our town, there was a budget proposal vote today. As usual, I got to the polls as soon as I could after my morning jog.

Normally, two subjects you do not discuss openly are politics and religion. But this vote wasn't really about politics for us. It was about common sense.


One of the proposals on the table was for a new track and field complex (among other athletic improvements) at the high school that my kids most likely will eventually attend.

Geez. Let's see. My oldest son just completed his first year of modified cross country, so a track at his future high school is something he most likely would utilize -- and not just in gym class. My daughter is a cheerleader. Right now, she cheers in the fall on the old cinder track at the high school. And my youngest son James? He's still in kindergarten, but he asked me yesterday if he could run for me at Marist if he was on the team. So there could be some running in the future for him as well (although his current sport of choice is bowling; go figure).

Oh yeah. We are running a D1 program without an outdoor track facility. A brand-new, state-of-the-art track a few miles up the road? Check. I think I voted yes. Don't you?

Hopefully, much of the rest of my town was in agreement.

1 comment:

tcoulson said...

So let me get this straight. You are in favor of this? ---Lurch