Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Blowin' in the wind

Sorry for the lack of posts.

Here's a quick summary from last weekend's Sam Howell Memorial Invitation at Princeton: IT WAS WINDY.

Really, really windy.

And this, at a track that blocks the wind really well!

On Friday night, the wind didn't get bad until the 25-lapper (10km). Too bad for those guys. Before that, for the steeple, 1500 and 5km, the wind was manageable and it was even a bit warm and humid.

The biggest individual highlight was Adam Vess breaking Chris (Chomps) McCloskey's SR in the 1500. Vess was running on tired legs from hard training. I told him, repeatedly, before the race: "Don't be stupid." He gave me one of those "yeah, yeah" nods and smirks, and I was certain he was going to blitz out like an idiot.

But he did not, ran smart and tough on tired legs and posted a 3:49.61, getting second only to Princeton's Michael Maag, who qualified for NCAA Regionals with his victory in 3:46.

On Friday night and then all day Saturday, the wind howled up to 40 mph. Hip numbers were rendered useless and they were literally ripped right off runners by the wind.

Anyway, I will get to posting the splits, hopefully at some point soon ...

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