Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good day at Yale ...

Complete results, splits and other details to come at some point on Monday. For now, a short note to say that the Yale meet today was better than expected on two fronts.

1. The weather wasn't terrible. The rain was a persistent mist for the first half of the meet before tapering in the afternoon. And the wind was light. Actually, pretty decent racing conditions, especially for the longer events.
2. The times for many runners were huge season- or personal-bests. Wow! Great stuff! Wait till you see the big jumps some of the guys hit on Sunday afternoon.

Lastly, it was great seeing my nephew Doug Colaizzo running for another red-and-white team -- NJIT. Doug ran the 1500 and 800, and ran tough in both races. Luckily for all involved, Doug's running form is quite a bit better than his uncle's.

Another busy week ahead, with Vassar on Friday and MAACs on Saturday/Sunday. Because of the quirky nature of the racing schedule -- some racing on Friday, some racing on Saturday and Sunday and some just racing on Sunday -- the team training schedule will be highly disjointed this week. We are definitely in winding-down mode, though.

OK, enough for tonight, more later ...

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