Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cold, cold feeling

I mentioned this at Monday's practice, but it is worth reiterating here for current team members (and for alumni in the Northeast that still feel like listening to their old coach ...):

We are heading into a 3-4 day period of bitterly cold weather and wind chills. If you plan on running outside, this means you cannot be cavalier about how you dress.

In other words:

-- You'll probably want to wear more than shorts, unless you want your legs to freeze and you want to reduce your chances of procreating later in life. Penile frostbite is a serious thing!
-- You should definitely wear a winter hat, cover your ears, and wear gloves.
-- Make sure you are wearing enough layers, and that your top layer is wind-resistant.

It's only going to be for a few days, starting Wednesday and lasting into the weekend. By next week, temperatures are supposed to moderate a bit.

Be smart out there.

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