Monday, August 6, 2012

Olympics: Usain Bolt

Normally, in most sporting events and with most athletes, showboating and ridiculous gesticulating to the crowd annoys the heck out of me. For some reason, Usain Bolt's antics -- before and after his amazing races -- don't bother me. For one, they seem perfectly in synch with his personality. In addition, when he is interviewed he seems a bit odd and quirky but not all that arrogant. Not exactly "humble," but not boorish either.

And lastly, in the words of legendary baseball player Dizzy Dean: "It ain't bragging if you can do it." He backs up the ballyhoo. Let's see if he can do the same in the 200-meter final on Thursday night.


Tom Dixon said...

Pretty cool videos from the NYTimes showing the progression of the 100 meter dash, long jump, and 100m free.

Reeses said...

I used to hate Usain Bolt because of his antics, until I saw a post-race interview yesterday. As the broadcaster was asking him questions, there was an awards ceremony happening in another part of the stadium and the national anthem was being played for the gold medal winner (an American woman). He stopped the broadcaster, turned towards the rising flags, and stood in silence to show respect for the national anthem of another country being played for an event he was not part of. Class act!