Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Spreading the word on the Red Fox Trot 5K, and my Facebook dilemma

My wife called me out today. It is a rare occurrence, and so it was startling and jarring to me. “What are you doing?” she barked at me. Whoa. What’s the big idea? I was doing exactly what I am doing right now: Sitting at the dining room table on the laptop. I wasn’t typing, though. I was scanning the New York Times. This is pretty much standard operating procedure around these parts. Heidi was calling me out because she feels I spend too much time on the computer. She’s probably right, of course. I have become more aware of my computer time, because of subtle comments she has made in the past. Today was not so subtle. The message was received, loud and clear. Guilty as charged.

The thought has been weighing on my mind for weeks, as I am agonized over whether to join the Facebook ranks. I poach Heidi’s Facebook page frequently – I was even doing that this afternoon, shortly before she called me out -- so I am somewhat aware of the Facebook world. But I have been resistant to join for the very reason Heidi accurately points out: It will be another “thing” for me to check, to read and to scroll down endlessly. More laptop time. I know I will be sucked into the vacuum that is Facebook. But I also know that it can be a valuable networking tool with our very loyal alumni base.

This has been my rationale: Use Facebook solely as a way to get and stay connected to Marist Running Alumni new and old. I could use Facebook as a way to spread the word on the Red Fox Trot 5K race, which is coming up in a few weeks. It would be the smart thing to do, right? Right? Again, I have been wrestling with the decision. I know, though, that it would not be limited to staying connected with Marist Running Alumni. It could very well spiral out of control. I’m very conflicted on this topic; there are many good reasons to get into the social network scene, but I have survived on the outside of that social network sphere just fine without it.

For a few years now, this blog has been a way to stay connected to alumni and friends of the program. But is it possible that blogs like this are passé anymore? Is the concept of a blog like this becoming outdated, like e-mail, snail mail, real phone calls (not texts) and actual face-to-face interaction? Are blogs not instantaneous enough? Do they not feed the all-consuming, 24/7, instant-gratification beast that our world has become? I don’t know. I really don’t. So anyway, I take Heidi’s mild scolding today as a sign for me not to take the Facebook plunge yet. If I ever do it at all.

And so, I ask you, the faithful followers of this blog, to do me a huge favor and spread the word on the Red Fox Trot 5K. Share this link to the race, where there is a link to sign up for the race. If anyone prefers a PDF file application, I can email it to you. Just email me at runhed246@hotmail.com (there I go with this outdated form of communication!) and I will send you the PDF immediately. Lastly, if interested, let me know your thoughts on my moral Facebook dilemma. You can email me, call me, text me or leave a comment here.

No matter what: I sincerely hope we have a great turnout at the Red Fox Trot 5K on Saturday, September 8.

1 comment:

Tim Keegan said...

Ironically, I'm trying to get back into blogging and spend less time on Facebook. I also find that I prefer Twitter over Facebook. Its quick and easy to get information across.