Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Great news from abroad ...

Below is an email I received from Colin Johnson, budding middle distance star, who is studying abroad in Ireland and heading home very soon. For those who don't know Colin, he was a hockey player in high school; he also ran track, but not that fast (as he'll be the first to admit). But through hard work, he got his 800 time down to 1:59 last spring.

Based on this email, he is apparently doing some solid running in between pints of stout. Nice to see! Can't wait to have CJ back in town ...

Hey Coach,

So this is probably my last email from Ireland, but I wanted to let you know
that I took part in a 5k on Sunday and set my PR of 16:26 (actually turned out being 16:24!). Much like at Princeton last year when I ran my first decent 800, I couldn't believe the clock so I kind of slowed down as I stared at it, not as humorous without Chuck there screaming at me but still pretty funny. It got me really excited for indoors even though I hope to never touch that distance on the track. Hope all is well, and I hope you have a good holiday. I'm looking forward to getting back to America and training with the guys. Plus the food here makes the cafeteria look like a five star restaurant. See you soon.


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