Saturday, March 9, 2019

Support Denise and Boushra's service trip to Mexico!

Denise Grohn, one of our outstanding women's track team captains, asked me to post this note and link to a gofundme page for a service trip that she and teammate Boushra Belkhir are taking through Campus Ministry next week to Mexico. In the Marist Brothers spirit of "do good quietly" we are proud of our athletes -- past, present and future -- who have embarked on service trips such as this. You'll notice a photo from a previous trip above, with XC/track captain Mike Kennedy in the front row! Consider helping out the ladies and the group. The link is below. Thank you.

Here's the note from Denise: Boushra and I are traveling to Mérida, Mexico over spring break with a group of eight other students. Our mission work will be done in a small community center on the outskirts of the city. Typically, the past mission trips have worked primarily with physical projects such as building gardens, desks, and greenhouses so the community can grow crops and increase education to their children.This year, in addition to some physical projects that need to be completed around the center, they also asked us to help them expand their outreach to the surrounding community. We will be donating a screen printing machine to make brochures and t-shirts so that they can spread the word to about the center, its services, and their mission.

All good stuff. Here's the link to contribute a donation:

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