Sunday, January 24, 2016

The blizzard that was (and wasn't)

Someone I know posted this on Facebook ... snow total in Hyde Park
We have lived through numerous nor'easters, blizzards, winter weather events, etc. This one was an oddity, for sure. New York City and the immediate area was pummeled to historic proportions -- it may be the second largest single snowfall in the history of the city. Here in the mid-Hudson Valley, we got nothing. Nada. Zero. There is still grass to be seen -- albeit frozen and brown -- in these parts. To the immediate south, east and even west of us, snow all around. It's like we were in a "protective, no-snow bubble." Or, as one person noted, "it's like we weren't invited to the party." Fine with me! No snow, no problem. For the many blog followers who are digging out today, we wish you the best and hope everyone is safe.

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