Sunday, June 28, 2015

USATF Juniors: Farewell to Tracktown USA

The last time we were in the San Francisco Airport -- on Wednesday en route to Eugene -- we were being delayed by a canceled flight. This time, right now as I post this, it is a normal layover as we await our final flight home to Newark. It was a great several days in Oregon. Deet enjoyed every minute of the trip -- savored every second, actually. A certified track geek, he soaked it all in. Most importantly, he ran tough and repped the program well. We saw some great racing out here -- the men's 1,500 final yesterday was riveting stuff. And oh, did I mention how hot it was out here? Well. It was REALLY HOT. OK! Farewell to Tracktown USA. We hope to be back again in the future.

Programming note: I will be away on Lake George vacation next week. Not sure about Internet access, so this may be the last post for a bit. OK!

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