Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hydration is key ... in MARCH?

Out at the track yesterday afternoon with the sprinters and the women's team, we were all wilting in the heat. On the last day of winter.

Oh trust me. This old coach was NOT complaining.

But really, the unusual warmth actually was a slight detriment to a quality track practice. Who woulda thunk it ... on March 19.

More sun and heat is on the way for the balance of the week, peaking on Thursday when it will feel downright mid-summer like.

My morning jogging partners (side note: shorts and a long-sleeve shirt, at 5:30 a.m.!) made the comment today that we may not have seen the last of the snow for the season. Given the volatile nature of spring in these parts, this could be true.

But for now, keep in mind that HYDRATION IS KEY.

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