Monday, November 29, 2021

Indoor track begins

This is a strange time in our cross country/track school year cycle. Cross country has ended. Track is about to begin (sort of) before we go on a holiday break, after which time track REALLY begins. This 2-3 week period between the Thanksgiving week break and the break between semesters is a bit unusual. We have two more weeks of classes (this week and next) and then finals week, and then the fall semester is completed. We have one meet scheduled for this month and it is Saturday at Boston University. The Sharon Colyear-Danville Season Opener will kick it all off. There will be restrictions. Masks will be required at all times except when competing. No spectators -- none, no parents, family, friends, not even non-competing athletes! -- will be allowed in the building. The Track and Tennis Center (TTC) will not be its usual jam-packed bustling building. But a new season dawns, and we are excited about it.  

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