Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Cool weather, awesome Olympic performances

Well, since the last time I had done a few posts, which I incorrectly assumed would lead to a flurry of more regular posts, the weather has turned far more temperate – even downright cool for the middle of the summer, and no one is complaining about that! And of course the Olympic track and field events have gotten into full swing and have been sizzling. What a meet – for USA athletes specifically but for track and field in general! So many historic best performances – some of which has been attributed to the fast track and humid weather in Tokyo. I just had a thought, though: We always hear about the “silver linings” of the pandemic – and gosh, isn’t that just a dreary cliché anymore? One “silver lining” might be that elite level track athletes traveled and competed less and trained more consistently without the interruption of the aforementioned constant travel and competition. And that has led to THIS. Or, it could just be the simple fact that there are truly amazing women and men track athletes out there, and that we are in a “golden era” for our sport. Either way, it’s been great to follow and sometimes watch. I’m grateful for loyal alums who keep me constantly updated on the happenings over there. I’ve even gotten my usually track-neutral/apathetic family members mildly interested in the meet. Here's hoping these final few days turn out as stellar as the first week of track competition. OK!

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