Friday, March 5, 2021

MAAC XC Championship: Sunrise


Went out for a frigid and brisk walk here in Galloway, New Jersey, this morning and was greeted by this amazing sunrise over the distant water. We are not near the beach, but close enough. It's the dawning of a new day, a one-day season and maybe turning the page on this pandemic. You know. That sounds good and poetic and all that. But life doesn't always follow a neat little narrative. The next couple of months in the Marist Running world still might be messy. But for today? We have this. And in a few hours, two XC races to run. The outcomes will be what they will be. As a wise friend noted recently, even less-than-optimal days in an arena that you love are better than the alternative, which has been the past 362 days. So we will spike up and see what happens. Programming note: There is no Wifi on our bus, so results postings here will have to wait till tonight. Go Red Foxes.

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