Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Say less

A few loyal blog followers have urged me to write more posts. Say more! I’m getting the opposite message from a small but significant segment of my team. Say less! Apparently, I’m long-winded. Apparently, I talk a lot. Apparently, I repeat myself. Apparently, my team meetings (back when I used to be able to DO such things) become long, rambling soliloquies and endless filibusters. I just completed a book called “The little book of talent: 52 tips for improving your skills,” by Daniel Coyle. Tip #42 = Six ways to be a better teacher or coach, with this second bullet point in the chapter: Avoid giving long speeches – instead, deliver vivid chunks of information: The question is not what big, important message you can deliver. The question is, what vivid, concise message can you deliver. I brought this up to a group of athletes and they jumped right on this, doubling down on this concept and essentially saying that I needed to take this sub-tip to heart. Cut down on the words. Get to the point. Stop talking in circles. Some want me to write more; some want me to talk less. Be Better? I’ll try to do both!

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