Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Give us this day …

It started out as a text exchange with Cruz, our now-former assistant coach (we will miss him!), about future ultramarathon plans. He’s really into it and wants to join me again in a future looooong race (he’ll be running fast, I’ll be walking slow). Back and forth we went, trying to figure out schedules. It’s not easy. When at last we tentatively agreed on a long-range plan for next year (most likely subject to change), he summed up the conversation with the seemingly exuberant phrase “Let’s get this bread.” Of course, I had never heard of this. Of course, I have taken this phrase and run with it, beating it into the ground as only I can do. First, I tried it out on my children, who naturally laughed and made fun of me for “tryna be cool.” Then, I started texting team members with the phrase and a little bread icon, and I even put it out on a group email. The men’s team, of course, has taken to this as well, following the lead of their goofy coach. Hogue created/texted me this picture after an outstanding tempo run/workout. A group of Long Island guys went to Panera after a long run – they were “getting their bread.” Even incoming freshmen chimed in, with post-run texts saying things like “my daily bread” and “grain obtained” and even positing that “Be Better” should be changed to “Be BREADer.” Naturally, I think this is outstanding.

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