Those of you whom I regularly text know that for years I
will sometimes randomly lapse into ALL CAPS for no particular reason. Again, no
particular reason, other than a stubborn case of immaturity and refusal to Act
Like and Adult. Speaking of which? Our current leader, President Trump, our
Tweeter in Chief, has made Random Capitalizations mainstream in his torrent of
Tweets. (Note: This is not a Political
Statement or a Political Post … so don’t start sending me Angry Texts!) And
yes, for effect, he’ll go into ALL CAPS mode like me. But it’s the Random
Capitalizations that drive wonky and nerdy journalism teachers (yeah, Those
people) crazy. But now, in the “if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em’’ spirit, I have
begun to Randomly Capitalize words in my texts (and For Effect in this Annoying
Blog Post as well?). Hey. Look. I get texts from Highly Educated and Well
Respected students with “words” like “prolly” and “Imma” and “tryna” … so the
Generalized Breakdown of proper grammar has reached epidemic proportions in our
world now, hasn’t it? And, here’s the thing! No one much Cares about this anymore,
do We? Even the good gray New York Times has given up; rather than Correct our
president’s Tweets, they just quote them verbatim. Again. Who Cares. Right? OK.
Enough. I’ll try to avoid such churlish behavior here in this Fancy Blog for
2019. We’ll see how that goes …
This drives me crazy too Pete! It must be our generation because grammar was never my thing to begin with yet I can't stand to see it mangled as badly as it has become. Happy New Year to all our Foxes in 2019.