Monday, September 10, 2018

Remembering 9/11: From Marty McGowan

This year, it’s a Tuesday. Just like it was in 2011. September 11 always allows us to reflect on that fateful day, now 17 years ago. Allow me to share this email I received on Saturday morning while on the bus up to the Siena meet, from Most Loyal Marist Running Alum Marty McGowan:

I just came back for a 90-minute walk thru CLP (Clove Lakes, Staten Island). Temp in the high 60s with a light drizzle. In other words, perfect cross country weather, at least for this old-timer. Hope the weather is just about the same in Albany. One of the problems with a 90-minute walk, the old fashioned way without headphones, is God knows how many thoughts come into your head. Some you dismiss almost immediately, others you hope that you remember when you get home. Today's walk was like that, and why I'm typing this now. I've told you in the past that the September will always be a tough month for me. Not so much the change in the weather but in remembering September of 2001. Don't get me wrong, I'm OK. I'm just worried that the kids coming up might not realize how insane September 11, 2001 really was.

Call it survivor's guilt if you want to, I don't care. I'm one of the lucky ones that day, and I fully appreciate it. I know that I did what I could do to help out that day and all thru the fall of 2001. Maybe it's because of the Celic Run last Saturday, and talking about Tommy Celic, Tommy Hannifin, Ann Marie Cramer, John Fischer, Mike Fiore, Jane Baezler and Maria Tam who we last that day, and Vic Navarra and Pat FitzSimmons, Jim Drury and all the others who helped  out at the WTC site and have died due to WTC related nonsense. We lifted a glass in memory of a ton of people at the post-race party last Saturday, believe me. Anyway getting back to today’s walk, a song popped into my head about half way thru the walk, Empty Chairs and Empty Tables from Les Miz. Trying to be positive, maybe listening to that song might help the young'uns understand why us old folks have a September funk. Maybe you can use it on Tuesday if the WTC subject comes up. Then go right to Do You Hear the People Sing  from Les Miz. No, they didn't win. We did. Why? Bottom line, in this country we really care for each other. We just have problems showing it sometimes. Thanks for letting me vent.

Any time, my friend, any time.

1 comment:

  1. Coach- I will never forget all of your support during that day, and the days and weeks that followed. My dad was one of the lucky ones as well and it is something that I think about daily. Thanks for taking the time to write about this. Go Foxes!
