Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The siren call of an angry 12-year-old

Sitting in the San Diego airport, where our flight back to JFK has been delayed four hours due to forecasted thunderstorms back in New York. This is one of the primary reasons I so dislike air travel and I feel so fortunate that I don’t have to do this on a regular basis. My traveling companions are my two younger children; my wife is still in San Diego, getting ready for a cross-country drive back with our oldest son, once his internship out here is done. It’s times like these that you realize how addicted to “connection” this younger generation is. Younger generation? Ha! Really, all of us are. Oh. Did I mention? The Wifi in this airport stinks! My daughter Natalie was smart enough to download videos to her phone, so she’s OK. My younger son, James? Not so much on the planning ahead thing. Which has led to the following whining siren call of an angry 12-year-old, wanting to watch Fortnite vids all afternoon: “No Wifi for four hours? What am I supposed to DO all that time!” Never mind that I brought a library book for him to read (pfffft, yeah RIGHT?). Or, he could do what we did back in the prehistoric times when I was a kid: Stare out the window at airplanes, and be bored. No such luck. Swell. Hopefully, we’ll get home by the end of the week …

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