Sunday, July 29, 2018

Stack runs strong 10km in Ireland

Thanks to rising junior Conor Stack for sharing this photo from a 10km race he ran in Killarney, Ireland. Stack’s dad, Kieran, is a native or Ireland and they are back there visiting family (Kieran was also a record-setting, legendary runner at Iona back in the 1980s…). Anyway, Stack got second place in 33:32, with tempo-like splits of 5:20, 5:32, 5:36, 5:26, 5:26, and 5:18 and a brief report via email: “Felt pretty good and definitely felt good closing hard-ish. The course was pretty flat and downhill and there weren't really any hills. Still a good workout type effort in my book.” Agreed! And the Marist red and white go international for a day, which is cool.

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