Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A bright moment for Dark Cloud Dan

We like to call him Dark Cloud Dan, a rather dubious nickname for a great and loyal team member – junior distance runner Dan Hillman. Sadly, Dark Cloud Dan’s nickname is hard-earned, due to a variety of ailments, injuries and misfortunes that have befallen him through the years. When you think of the phrase, “Life’s not fair,” you think of Hillman and his collegiate running career to date. This is a kid who does everything right in terms of process and work ethic, but always seems to be set back by … something, anything! Well, sometimes the sun has to shine on Dark Cloud Dan, and that was Sunday. A beautiful, sunny day for a long run. But alas, Dan couldn’t make practice on this sun-splashed morning, and for once the reason for missing a run was positive and uplifting! Dan took part in a ceremony celebrating his entrance into a prestigious honor society for psychology – Psi Chi. Not only that, Dan was elected vice president of the Marist chapter of Psi Chi for the next school year. “Honored to be a part of such a close group working with faculty,’’ Dan texted. “It was a cool milestone in my psychology experience and allows for some neat opportunities for research, scholarships and conferences.” We are proud of all that Dan does; although we joke about the Dark Cloud, he is shining light in our program, and we’re proud he is part of our team. 

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