Friday, March 23, 2018

Monmouth meet canceled

Enough already with the snow-related posts! Major League Baseball season starts in less than a week! Anyway. Yeah. The Monmouth Season Opener -- the meet we always joke about how bad the weather is? -- well, no jokes this year. It's so bad that the meet has been called off due to the nor'easter that slammed the area. It's a darn shame and we appreciate the time and effort that Monmouth track coach Joe Compagni and his staff took in an effort to salvage this meet. But based on this photo that I just received from Marist Running Alum Gary Wiesinger, who was at Monmouth this morning for a coaches meeting, there was no way the meet could happen. Only one thing to say: Dang. Time to move forward and make the best of our rapidly shrinking outdoor track schedule. Geez!

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