Monday, April 10, 2017

Alums: The gift that keeps on giving

One of the great things about this program is the random pop-ins by old alums. Yesterday, Schab texted me that he would be in town but he was limited by family commitments. I surmised there probably would be no conflicts at 5:30 a.m., and so he joined me and my pre-dawn jogging partners for several miles in the chill of the morning. I forgot to take a photo of him, but he was there and it was great to see him. Then, later this afternoon, with the temperature a good 45 degrees warmer, Ned Kenyon stopped by the McCann Center for a surprise visit. He posted this photo on Facebook with the following line: "Nice visit with the old coach. And I mean OLD." Swell. Thanks for stopping by, men. Any and all are always welcome back home by the Hudson. Forever Foxes. Neat!

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