Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New workout, venue

Sometimes, you have to think outside the box. We tried out a new workout idea on a few of the long-distance 10km guys, who will be racing sparingly during the winter season; we're calling it a "segment run" workout. I won't bore you with the details, but it's a mish-mash of speed, tempo, recovery, and lots of volume. The default/original plan was to have the guys do it on the Hudson Valley Rail Trail in Highland, but alas it was covered with a fine sheen of snow and ice. In the "give credit where credit's due" department, Kennedy suggested the road along the Hudson River on the Highland side (fun fact! It's called Oakes Road, not River Road as you would suspect). It's about a mile, mostly straight and mostly flat. Back and forth they (Baffuto, Riley, Kennedy) went, doing the "segment" workout to perfection. They were willing and excellent guinea pigs for this new idea at this new venue. Nicely done!

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