Second take on the men's results, with past times, pace-per-mile for the odd 6km (3.73-mile) distance and a few more photos from today.
Marist Season Opener
XC Meet
Saturday, September
3, 2016
Men’s team standings
1-Marist 21, 2. Iona
42, 3. Fairfield 84, 4. LIU Post 104
Men’s individual
results, 6km course
1-Matt Baffuto
(Marist) 18:52.5 (5:03.8 pace)
2015: 19:51.0
2. Dietrich Mosel
(Marist) 19:05.6 (5:07.3)
2014: 20:27.62; 2015:
3. Ross Wightman (Iona) 19:10.5
4. Christian Alberico (Iona) 19:12.4
5. Saad Baig (Marist)
19:13.4 (5:09.4)
2014: 19:55.34; 2015:
6. Spencer Johnson
(Marist) 19:22.5 (5:11.8)
2014: 20:20.53; 2015:
7. Alex Hogue
(Marist) 19:25.1 (5:12.5)
8. Riley Hughes
(Marist) 19:27.7 (5:13.2)
2015: 19:33.2
9. Steven Morrison
(Marist) 19:31.0 (5:14.1)
2014: 19:20.11; 2015:
10. Michael Kennedy
(Marist) 19:32.1 (5:14.4)
2015: 20:23.3
11. Christopher Rivas
(Marist) 19:32.4 (5:14.5)
12. Johnny Lee (unattached/Marist) 19:34.0 (5:14.9)
2014: 19:27.71; 2015: 19:08.0
13. Matt Adolph
(Marist) 19:34.4 (5:15.0)
14. Thomas McClellan (Iona) 19:34.8
15. Steven Rizzo
(Marist) 19:35.2 (5:15.2)
2014: 19:42.72; 2015:
16. Zachary Ropes
(Marist) 19:38.0 (5:16.0)
17. Sam Daly (Fairfield) 19:42.6
18. Stefan Morton
(Marist) 19:46.8 (5:18.3)
2014: 21:47.07; 2015:
19. Patrick Hickey
(Marist) 19:47.7 (5:18.6)
2014: 20:01.82; 2015:
20. Andy Adamovics (Iona) 19:49.5
21. Joseph Miller
(Marist) 19:53.8 (5:20.2)
2014: 20:27.16; 2015:
22. Danny Galvin (Iona) 20:01.8
23. Palmer Weimann
(Marist) 20:04.7 (5:23.1)
2015: 19;34.7
24. Brian Warsh (Iona) 20:12.0
25. Dan Hillman (Marist)
20:15.8 (5:26.1)
26. Conor Stack
(Marist) 20:19.3 (5:27.0)
27. Elias Platanias
(Marist) 20:32.3 (5:30.5)
28. Drew Burns
(Marist) 20:34.4 (5:31.1)
2015: 20:55.6
29. Connor Levins
(Marist) 20:36.4 (5:31.6)
30. Michael Flanagan (Fairfield) 20:39.2
31. Brian Edsall
(Marist) 20:39.9 (5:32.6)
2014: 21:01.81; 2015:
32. Brian Henderson
(Marist) 20:45.7 (5:34.1)
2015: 20:42.9
33. Will Duggan
(Marist) 20:47.5 (5:34.6)
2014: 21:46.80; 2015:
34. Jeffrey Reyes (LIU Post) 20:49.6
35. Chris Fischer (Fairfield) 21:06.8
36. Zach Toner
(Marist) 21:09.7 (5:40.6)
2014: 20:57.61; 2015:
37. Will Esposito
(Marist) 21:13.7 (5:41.7)
38. Joseph Ranni (LIU Post) 21:24.6
39. Eddie White
(Marist) 21:27.2 (5:45.2)
2014: 21:21.65; 2015:
40. Dom Fortino
(Marist) 21:30.9 (5:46.2)
2015: 20:24.1
41. Robert Kirsty (Iona) 21:40.3
42. Jake Hensler
(Marist) 21:41.0 (5:48.9)
2014: 20:44.50; 2015:
43. Matthew Hawker
(Marist) 21:43.6 (5:49.6)
44. Jordan Dixon (Fairfield) 21:52.5
45. Jalyn Alvarez
(Marist) 21:55.0 (5:52.7)
46. Stephen Jastrzembski (Fairfield) 22:04.3
47. Ryan Gioe (LIU Post) 22:09.9
48. Eamonn Beers
(Marist) 22:16.5 (5:58.5)
2015: 21:19.6
49. Tyler McGarvey (LIU Post) 22:22.2
50. Chris Margres (Fairfield) 22:34.4
51. William Coelho (LIU Post) 24:02.0
52. Justin Ortega (LIU Post) 26:42.5
Here is a link to photos from the Marist Invitational.