Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Big Blue Doughnut, circa 2016: Part 1

We are back to the Big Blue Doughnut at SUNY New Paltz -- the indoor track that we know and love in January and February. A burgeoning tradition is of guys wearing their high school singlets for the workout. Here is the Sophomore Selections for the day, from the left: Joe (Mama) Miller, angrily sporting the decidedly old-school "Seaford Vikings" singlet; Dietrich (Deek) Mosel in his bright Kellenberg colors; Sami (The Ram) Ellougani with his RAMsey jersey; Rizzo, in his RCK attire, and Morrison, wearing the Arlington NXR uniform dedicated in memory of the great coach and teacher, Bob Jacovino. It should be noted that these singlets ran some excellent, early-season workouts on the doughnut today. Nicely done, men!

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