Monday, November 16, 2015

What's next: IC4A/ECAC meet on Saturday

The long journey called cross country, one that started three months ago in the summer as preseason began, comes to an end on Saturday at Van Cortlandt Park with the ECAC and IC4A Championships. It is especially poignant for our senior cross country runners, who will be spiking up on the trails for the final time. For many of these women and men, it is the end of a cross country journey that started eight or more years ago – in junior high school or high school. Tears will be shed, for sure. Here is the race schedule for Marist XC:

ECAC Coaches Race, 5km: 9:30 a.m.
IC4A Coaches Race, 5 miles: 9:40 a.m.
IC4A University Division, 5 miles: 11:30 a.m.
ECAC University Division, 5km, 12:15 p.m.

One final XC tailgate is being planned and it promises to be a “humdinger” for sure! Please contact Kathy Gould via email at to coordinate. We look forward to seeing you all at Vanny on Saturday. OK!

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