Saturday, September 5, 2015

Home meet: Sunrise over the farm

The day started crisp, cool and dark as I got to Vassar Farm to set up. I like to be early and I don't like to be rushed, so I got there early and I didn't rush, and I was treated to this awesome sunrise over the Poughkeepsie Farm Project side of the Farm. And then, I was jolted back to reality when my phone buzzed with a text from the Hofstra coach. Their bus was an hour late in getting to their school. They were running late. They got to Poughkeepsie as quickly as possible, but not fast enough to make the start of the men's race. We offered to push back the start time slightly, but there was little wiggle room with the Vassar/Stonitsch meet following our invitational. Oh well. In all, it was a great day. Results to follow soon.

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