Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Modified track coaches

The phone call popped up on my cell at a usual busy time during practice a few weeks ago, from area code 631. Figured it was a coach or student-athlete looking for information about our school and our program; we get those calls all the time. It was not. It was a high school Athletic Director, calling for a reference about one of our beloved former athletes. She was applying for the modified track coaching position in her old school district.

I told the dude to put away his questions, because I had two words for him: Hire. Her. Well, maybe three. Now! Because he is a diligent AD, he went ahead and asked me the reference questions that he had to ask. I gave him over-the-top glowing answers, not because I wanted our girl to get the job, but because I really meant it. I’m assuming she got the job, but because I’m not sure, I will continue to talk in generalities about that.

I will not talk in generalities about the modified track coach at my daughter’s middle school. Natalie is doing modified track at Haviland Middle School in Hyde Park. Her coach is Ms. Gould. We couldn’t be more thrilled. Ms. Gould (Kelley) remains a loyal Marist Running Alum who clearly knows a thing or two about track. She coached Haviland modified last year.

Many times, modified track coaches do not have a lot of track or running qualifications; it happens at the middle school level. We are fortunate and blessed that our daughter and her friends are getting a relatively new but very competent coach in Ms. Gould. Just as a bunch of seventh and eighth graders down in 631-country are getting an equally upbeat and enthusiastic runner to lead them in their first steps in our sport.

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