Friday, February 6, 2015

Metropolitan Championships: Tamiflu, anyone?

It happens at least once every semester or every season; illness whips through the team with a frenzy. As we were loading the bus in sub-zero darkness this morning for the Mets, I was handing out the meal money as usual and trying to figure out who we were missing for our scheduled 7 a.m. departure. "Where's (fill in the blank)?" "Anyone know where (fill in the blank) is?" "Oh. Coach. You didn't hear? She's/he's got the flu. She's/he's not feeling well. She/he has a really bad sore throat."

So! We had a smaller-than-normal contingent for Mets. It was kind of a blah day down at the Armory. The joint was half-full. Our team was less than half-full. The heat was not on that high, like usual, and it was chillier than normal in the building. Just not a lot of energy in the place. Despite this, we still had some solid performances, which will be detailed here shortly. Here's hoping the Tamiflu and/or whatever meds our athletes need to take start kicking in, and soon, as we head toward our most important indoor meets of the winter -- Valentine at BU and MAACs back at the Armory.


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