Sunday, February 22, 2015

MAAC Indoors: Results updated with splits

The previous two posts have now been updated with splits for all relevant races. I tried to get them done early this morning but I literally fell asleep at the keyboard (far less dangerous than falling asleep at the wheel!). As I said in the previous post, if you spot any errors, let me know. Some of the 5km splits for men and women were lost due to the excitement of the races among coaches and split takers (Tino was my go-to guy at this meet). It is, after all, a championship.

I'm not sure if the splits are viewed much by this blog readership. I would hope so. Although! One freshman male distance runner asked me repeatedly for his splits after a recent indoor meet and I kept telling him to go to the blog and he acted as though he didn't know what I was talking about. Regardless, it is a form of record-keeping, so I will continue to do it as long as I am able, and as long as I have the help.

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