Friday, February 14, 2014


Got up at 4 a.m., and was shoveling by 4:15 a.m. An intense and insane amount of snow fell during Part 2 of this storm. My Valentine's Day priorities went like this:

1. Dig out both vehicles and clear the end of the driveway, in case of emergency, so my family was safe.
2. Get enough traction in my Subaru to extricate it and drive the 1.5 miles to the East Park Stewart's for coffee.
3. Figure out if we are going to this meet today.

Check on #1 and #2, #3 is up in the air -- mostly, we are at the mercy of the bus company and whether they can dig out and whether they deem it safe to travel to the Armory.

When you get this much snow, the inch/feet count really does not matter. If I had to guess, this storm was probably about 2 feet, with about 3 feet total on the ground. The end of my driveway had a wall of about 7-8 feet of snow that I was able to shovel out (with the help of the new Buddy Guy recording on my iPod) in the early morning darkness. In case of emergency, my family can travel; the first cup of coffee has been consumed. Now, we wait to see if we can go to the Armory.

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