Friday, October 25, 2013

Van Cortlandt Park article in the New York Times

Thanks to several blog followers for sending me a link to this article in the New York Times, about the past, present and future of Van Cortlandt Park cross country. Marist has a long and rich tradition at Vanny, and we hope it will continue well into the future.

1 comment:

  1. FYI, there are plans to pave the Putnam Trail at VCP (not part of the cross country course, but one of the more beautiful trails there). It would be a shame to pave the trail, as it would wipe out a lot of the tree canopy and invite dirt bikes and other nuisances to the trail. There is a rally on Sunday, 10/27, at 1pm across from from the tortoise and hare statue on Broadway to protest the paving of the trail, for all those who are interested.
