Friday, August 16, 2013

Tick check: New threat to our area

Thanks to Marist Running Alum and Public Health Professional Teddy “Napkins” Marak for the head’s up on the new tick-borne illness that has been cropping up in Dutchess County. The Powassan virus is similar to Lyme disease, but with more severe symptoms. Unfortunately, all the great trails and parks where we practice are home to ticks and tick-carrying viruses. So, we have to be careful. Also, unfortunately, Dutchess County is Ground Zero for Lyme disease and similar tick-related maladies. So, we have to be extra careful.

Memo to team members: Check for ticks after every off-campus practice. Shower soon thereafter and scrub down with a washcloth. In addition, those nerdy high tube socks that I wear are actually quite functional in combatting ticks. On a sunny and warm day, they may not seem practical, but it does work as a deterrent.

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