Friday, March 29, 2013

Room for improvement

We have arrived in Richmond after a long ride pockmarked with construction delays. Fortunately, we had the A Team of JTR Bus drivers -- Mike and Billy. These guys take care of us and are very much part of our Track Family. Upon arrival at the hotel in the cramped lobby, we dealt with the always annoying task of handing out room keys. Usually, our rooming lists have to be submitted several weeks in advance, and they are often hastily typed up by me. So when we arrive, our biggest task is making everyone happy with the room selections, while making sure there is an equitable distribution of athletes per room.

Coach Terry Horton put it best: Oftentimes, this seemingly simple, mundane task is one of the hardest aspects of our journey and our coaching duties. Yikes.

The competition down here starts on Friday afternoon at 3. Our athletes out at Stanford will be racing tomorrow as well at varying times. We will post results and thoughts on Friday evening, upon arriving back in the hotel room.

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