Thursday, February 14, 2013

The long view

I still continue to feel pangs of guilt for not being on Facebook and for not having a Smart Phone in which I can update the world on the doings of our program in real time. I see and hear of other coaches tweeting updates from their respective teams, live from the meets and their smart phones, almost the instant the result flashes on the scoreboard. And there I am, pencil and notebook in hand, taking down splits and typing them up in a blog many hours later. How very 2000s of me.

There are so many ways to get information out there instantaneously, that this blog at times almost feels like it is stuck in slow motion, especially on the eve of the MAAC Indoor Championships at the Armory. By the time I type things up at 3 a.m. Saturday, to post here, many of you will already know the results and perhaps even the splits. Despite this, I will continue slog along with the blog, as a matter of record. It doesn't matter how quickly I post things, as long as they get here eventually. So when I need to look it up in the future, it is recorded here. And I will continue to try to take the "long view," with some perspective and shoot-from-the-hip thoughts that don't fit concisely into a 140-character tweet. I will doggedly stick to the long-form writing that a blog allows, and hope that enough of you out there have patience to wait till I get home to type it up, or until the spirit moves me to post something (note that there are often several days' lapses between posts).

Looking forward to seeing some old friends at the Armory on Friday night.


  1. Peter in PoughkeepsieFebruary 15, 2013 at 10:20 AM

    No worries about "instant" for your OTHER audience-
    the loyal interested readers who are not on the current squad, but still follow the progress of the Marist Track and Field team through your blog.

    You are doing a good job with your year 2000 capabilities!

  2. I agree - technology is what you make it. And it is whatever fits your needs. Blogs are an excellent way of getting a lot of information out to the masses. Facebook (whose UI I lothe) is a great communication tool simply because of the large mass of people on it. Twitter is good for blog entries that are shorter (that was its original intent, thus the character limit). But rather than look toward social media, you could just try using blogger in a way in which it is tied to your phone ( - I know this would break your "no smart phone" rule, but it would keep your no FB/Twitter rule in tact. Go forth and find what works for you though - that is the most important. - Lurch
