Friday, November 16, 2012

The endless cycle

IC4A/ECAC day at Van Cortlandt is always one of mixed emotions, as it signals the end of our seniors' cross country careers -- moments we really don't want to end. It has also been a day where we as coaches have felt two gravitational pulls -- we want to be with our teams, and we want the season not to end, but a part of us also wants to be up the road at Bowdoin Park to watch the New York State Federation XC meet. Alas, we cannot be in two places at once. This year, the pull is not as strong, because as coaches we actually CANNOT be at Feds because it is an NCAA recruiting Dead Period this weekend. So the guilt of not being there is eliminated.

Again, this time of year is odd. We are completing one cycle with our seniors, all the while working on a whole new cycle with a new crop of prospective student-athletes (recruits). This Saturday, we will be at Vanny closing out our season; next Saturday, we will be at Bowdoin for the NXN Regional meet (along with several dozen other college coaches), scouting out the prospective next versions of Running Red Foxes. The cycle never ends.

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