Friday, October 26, 2012

MAAC cheerleaders, with facial hair, at altitude

Those of you closely affiliated with our XC program are aware of the time-worn tradition of the "MAAC mustache," the cheesy facial hairs of which you can see up close and personal down here at Disney -- on the men's team, of course. Above, please find a photo of loyal Marist Running Alums Vess and Walsh, from Flagstaff. Apparently, the thin air has gotten to their heads! Here is a note that Walsh sent with the photo:

Pete: Attached please find a good luck photo of myself and Vess for the men and women competing at MAACs tomorrow. I tried quite hard to have the mustache show up, but alas, the webcam wasn't cooperating. I assure you, for the first time in my 10 year connection to Marist XC, I have a mustache and it looks terrible. Terribly awesome terrible. Anyway, the last time I ran a MAAC XC meet was the '05 season, and it's been a year or two for Vess as well. Either way, we both are very excited and rooting hard for both the men's and the women's team. 

Thanks, men; and please feel free to shave at any time after the meet has concluded. I will do the same.

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